the ego. They’ll implode. It’s a perfect plan.”
    Holly shoved the bottle of juice away, barely
touched. “Better make it fast,” she muttered as she rushed to the
    Leo sighed as he stood. They all realized
that in the shape Holly was in, her pregnancy could turn into a
ticking bomb. It wasn’t the first pregnancy she’d had; it wouldn’t
be the first she’d lost. He glared at Julian, who had checked out
of their conversation to watch an old rerun on TV. “Take care of
her, man,” Leo instructed. He towered over the younger, smaller man
ominously. “Like your life depends on it.”
    He slammed out of the room, and Julian re-lit
his cigarette.

    Redondo Beach, California
    February 6, 2011
    Andy watched Vanni slip into a nice dress
shirt and tuck it into his slacks. It was formal attire for her bad
boy rock god, but the legal system typically preferred more
traditional dress. She pulled the sheets around her naked form,
their bed still warm from their early morning tussle. “I wish I
could go with you,” she said again, and he gave her a loving smile.
She was his to protect now… especially from the mistakes he’d
    “We talked about this, babe,” he said. “You
know PING is going to be all over this. You haven’t stayed
invisible all this time to be splashed on the front page of a
tabloid. Once we get this behind us, then we can be free to tell
the world that we’re in love.”
    He bent down to kiss her again… and again…
and again. He couldn’t believe that after all the time they’d spent
in their safe little cocoon he still couldn’t get enough. This was
entirely new territory for this reformed womanizer. He could lay
with her for hours and still find something new to discover,
whether they were talking or saying nothing at all.
    It was what he always thought a honeymoon
would be like had he ever found the one woman he’d want to marry.
Now he knew with all certainty that woman was Andy. She filled his
soul. If he had his way they’d elope in Vegas on Valentine’s Day,
give the press their heyday to gossip about it for a week, and then
they could get on with the business of living their lives.
    First, however, he needed to figure out what
he was going to do about this situation with Baylee Wilke. A
settlement was the quickest solution, but the question remained
what number would satisfy her bloodthirsty family.
    He arrived at his lawyer’s office just a
little after ten that morning. He wore his hair pulled back in a
neat ponytail and looked as respectable as he was going to look for
the occasion. He wore a jacket that was well-tailored to fit his
form, but was not ostentatious. He wore no jewelry except for a
plain, gold watch, and finished off his transformation with
necessary dark glasses to salvage some of his anonymity.
    It was a lost cause; PING was ready to strike
the minute the car arrived at the house that morning. They trailed
him all the way to the high rise downtown, located conveniently
near the courthouse.
    Ivy Cunningham greeted him in the plush lobby
of her firm’s offices. She was tall and thin, with dark hair as
long as his. She had likewise tied in a neat ponytail that she
knotted at the nape of her neck, which made her look professional
and youthful all at the same time. Her features were striking, with
high cheekbones that hinted at a Native American heritage, and dark
eyes that didn’t appear to miss any detail.
    “Mr. Carnevale,” she said with a smile and an
outstretched hand.
    “Vanni,” he corrected. She was going to be
his ally in one of the biggest battles of his life; they might as
well be on a first name basis.
    He followed her into a large office
overlooking Pershing Square. The office itself was sparsely
decorated, mostly with books and plants, with a few personal photos
along the shelves. It was warm without being intimidating, and this
somehow inspired confidence on Vanni’s part. It gave him the
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