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Book: Mogul Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ginger Voight
Tags: series romance, rubenesque romance, rocker romance, triangle
He was still bitter that Holly’s misstep in New York, putting that
cow Andy in Vanni’s path, had shot all their plans straight to
hell. Now thanks to that asshole Graham, he was blacklisted in
every legitimate music studio in town.
    He wound up working sound for a couple of
pornos just to pay the bills, not to mention paying for Holly and
Julian to get back out to L.A. Now that she really was pregnant,
they had a shot again manipulating that empty-headed greaseball
into setting them all up for the rest of their lives.
    If he could pay for a whore to live like a
head of lettuce in a swanky hospital for the rest of her life, he
could give Leo, Julian and Holly the lives they had been denied. At
least Leo and Julian were willing to work for their share by making
that prima donna even more famous than he deserved.
    He waved away the residue smoke from Julian’s
cigarette. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Leo snapped. “Don’t
you know that kid is your golden ticket? Keep Holly healthy till
she gets that ring on her finger.”
    Julian shrugged as he flopped back on the
bed. He rifled through the bag, pulling out bags of chips. “Yeah,
like this is on her prenatal diet plan.”
    “It’s food and it’s cheap,” Leo retorted.
“It’s also a hell of a lot more than you’re doing for her.”
    Julian glared at him. “You know damn well I
could support her if I could get work. You’re the one who told me
to lay low.”
    Leo leaned forward. “Until Holly can ease
thing over with her sweet little pregnant mama routine, we all have
to lay low.”
    “And when is that?”
    Leo leaned back in the chair again. “Soon.
Sources tell me that Yael is frustrated with the stalemate in the
band. For whatever reason Vanni doesn’t want to get back out on the
road, so he’s taking a break from everything. He probably fell into
that fat whore’s cooch and hasn’t been able to climb back out
again.” He chuckled at his own joke. “As soon as he knows about the
little bun in Holly’s oven, he’ll get back out on the road and do
what people pay him to do – just like the dancing monkey he
    “He’s never going to leave that whore,” Holly
mumbled as she staggered out of the bathroom, weak and pale. Thanks
to her severe nausea, she’d lost about eight pounds from her
already slender frame. Leo was worried if they didn’t do something
soon, she’d keel over from malnutrition and all their plans would
be destroyed. He pulled a plastic container of juice from the bag
and handed it to her as she slumped into the other chair. “Until we
get rid of her, he’ll never come back to me.”
    “Don’t you worry about that,” Leo told her.
“I’ve already planted some seeds to drive her right out of Vanni’s
house and back to Graham’s.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Think about it. She nearly got blown to
pieces by one of his crazy fans. If she thinks someone is stalking
him again, she’ll bail just like last time. Then Vanni will be all
heartbroken and ripe for you to swoop in and give him the white
picket fence. You’ll own him. And we all get our lives back.”
    She groaned and dropped her head onto her
hand. As miserable as she felt she couldn’t muster the strength to
carry out any complicated con games. It was taking every bit of
strength she had to protect that baby, which, at this point, was
their only ace in the hole.
    “I’ve already sent a little care package to
their house,” Leo informed them. “Waited until Vanni left and she
was all by herself, locked up in her ivory tower. Nothing too
scary, just a hand-delivered box with no postage, just enough to
make her nervous, but not enough to draw any real heat. Just like
clockwork she called Graham, who sent his security guy to protect
her highness from having to see what was in an unmarked package on
their doorstep. Keep her nice and paranoid so that she has to
depend on the people around him more and more… which will hit Vanni
right in
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