Mistletoe & Kisses

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Book: Mistletoe & Kisses Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anthology
considering bringing this strange man home with me? Not weird strange, but strange to me. Oh, you know what I mean. Where the hell is his brother anyway? Why did he just leave him here? “I guess he didn’t have a set of keys on him either?” I looked over at Suzanne who just shook her head no. “Shit.” I mumbled.
    “I can have someone help you with him out to your car. I mean, maybe by then he’ll wake up and all will be settled,” she smiled reassuringly, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
    “Actually could I impose on you a bit more?” I moved closer to her. “Could I ask to borrow one of your valets? I’ll use the car service to take Mr. Scott and myself so the valet can to drive my car back to my house and then have the driver drive him here for his own car.” Am I really doing this? Oh my God! This was just about the stupidest thing I think that I had ever done. This ass could have gone home with almost any woman in the room tonight and now he was coming home with me and he was completely passed out.
    “Of course, of course. Let me go get someone to help you with him to the car” she smiled and there was a hint of a laugh behind it. Did she see how nervous I was about this? Why was she even allowing or suggesting or agreeing to this? Why was I? Ugh!
    The next thing I knew, two valets came into the room, helped Murphy out of his chair without him putting up any sort of fight, and then walked/dragged him to the car waiting outside the front door. I handed my car keys to one of the valets and he agreed to follow us. After Murphy was settled in the backseat of the car, I slipped in next to him and tried to keep as much space between him and myself as I could. I called Monica again and told her the situation. She, of course, laughed and told me I could blackmail the shit out of him and be on easy street for years. I ended the call while she was still laughing. As we pulled out of the parking lot, my eye caught sight of the black BMW in the spot that was stolen from me earlier. Son of a bitch! Murphy is the asshole that cut me off earlier. Well isn’t that just to be expected. I nudged his knee with mine. Asshole.
    * * *
    Thank God for the short ride home. At this hour it only took about twenty minutes to go from the country club to my house. The driver and the valet helped walk/drag Murphy into my house. As soon as they crossed the threshold of the front door they turned and looked at me for direction as to where to leave him.
    “Just lay him on the couch there, I guess.” I lifted an eyebrow at them as they exchanged a look. Wrong guys, sorry he isn’t going in my bedroom.
    After Murphy was settled on the couch, I thanked both men and tipped them both. I leaned against the closed door and from there I could see the top of Murphy’s head at one end of my couch and his black shoe-clad feet at the other end. My phone rang in my purse that I had dropped on the floor just inside of the front door. When I lifted out I saw that it was Monica. Yeah, no. I wasn’t talking to anyone else tonight about this unless it was Malone or a partner. I hit ignore and pushed myself away from the door. Now, you ass, you will stay here and only here. Don’t touch my stuff and don’t even think about coming into my bedroom , I thought as I yanked his shoes off of his socked feet and dropped them on the floor in front of the couch. 
    I took one last look at him before I slipped into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I debated as to whether or not I should lock the door, then decided to stay on the safe side and locked it. I think I took the fastest shower I had ever taken in my life. Now I had to get from the bathroom and down the hall to my bedroom wearing only my fluffy purple robe. I unlocked the door and as quietly as possible opened it. I peered out of the slight crack to peek down the hall over at the couch to see that Murphy was, in fact, still sleeping. I quickly rushed tiptoeing down the hall to my bedroom and
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