Mistletoe & Kisses

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Book: Mistletoe & Kisses Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anthology
annoyance, I was totally thrilled.
    I winked at Calle as she and I took turns telling Malone our guesses. The four of us then moved quickly around the room. Monica, thankfully and I think strategically, was the one who got to get Billie’s guess. Once we were all done we handed Malone the lists which he then turned over to the server.
    “Thank you Elaine.” He said taking the piece of paper from the server. He held up the paper for the room to see the number, then he glanced over his shoulder at Elaine. “Do we have a winner?” Elaine smiled up at Malone and then handed him the lists back.
    “Well, when I was told that the staff here was close, who knew you were so close that three of you would all pick the same number? All three from different tables as well. Susan, Jean and Carey you are our winners and can decide which tickets you would like to choose from. I’ll have list on Monday available for you to pick from. Congratulations and again everyone, thank you for the welcome and happy holidays.” Malone said and then headed back to the table with the partners.
    I had agreed to help with the cleaning up of the decorations of the room. I had recruited two people from each department to help, so that with ten people it would only take about an hour. And it did. I thanked everyone for their help and was making my way back to my car when Suzanne, the event coordinator for the country club called after me.
    “Excuse me, Olive?” she waved her hand at me. “We have an issue,” she said sounding a bit out of breath.
    “An issue? Is something wrong with the room? We just finished the clean-up and I did go through and everything seemed fine.” My heart stopped. I knew I had checked that everything we had brought had been removed. No damage had been done that I was informed about. Oh, if something happened it was surely going to get back to the partners and once that happened everyone would know and I’d never be able to plan an event again and I had plans for the company picnic in August. Yeah, I knew it was next year, but I liked to plan ahead...so sue me.
    “No, no there are no damages and the room is fine. We just have an issue with one of the guests.” She turned so I would follow her back into the building. No one had mentioned a problem with a guest and no one came to me with any complaints.
    “I’m sure whatever it is…”
    “Oh, it isn’t a what, it’s a who,” she smiled at me reassuringly.
    “I’m sorry what?” Oh God no! Please tell me someone wasn’t screwing around in one of the other rooms. Or worse, they got caught screwing around and now I have to take care of it.
    “Well, we were making our final rounds of the rooms before the night cleaning people came in and we found him.” She pointed to one of their other ball rooms.
    “Him? Found him?” My head was now spinning.
    “Yes, he was just sitting there with his head on the table. We checked for a pulse and tried to wake him up, but he seems to be intoxicated and passed out.” Suzanne smiled at me and I could see this wasn’t her first passed out person, but I don’t remember anyone…
    Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Murphy was sitting at the furthest table in the back of the room with his head down and he was snoring.
    “I … I, ah…” I looked from Murphy to Suzanne. A nervous giggle escaped my lips. What the hell am I supposed to do? I barely even know this man. “I honestly have no idea what to do with him. As far as I know he was a guest of his brother. I’ve never even met him before tonight.” I turned back to look at him. His longish shaggy hair hung over his arm that his head was resting upon. His head was turned towards the center of the room. Suzanne and I both turned to each other and smiled when a gentle snore filled the room.
    “Is there someone you can call to help him home?” Suzanne asked smiling kindly at me.
    “I don’t even know who I would call.” I thought of Monica, but, but nothing she was the
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