Miss Carmelia Faye Lafayette

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Book: Miss Carmelia Faye Lafayette Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katrina Parker Williams
milk, and took him to his room to get him washed and dressed.  A short time afterwards, she brought him back to the kitchen and put him in his high chair.
    “You think you can entertain him until I get dressed?” Miss Carmelia asked.
    “Sure, I can,” Buford Tee said.  “Go on.  He’ll be fine right here with me.”
    Miss Carmelia walked to the doorway of the kitchen, turning back briefly to see Buford Tee holding out his hand for Martin to slap it again, Martin grinning as Buford Tee pulled his hand back causing Martin to miss it.  They played the game for a few moments before she turned and headed to her bedroom to get washed up and dressed.  Miss Carmelia returned wearing a black wrapped dress and low-heeled flats.  Buford Tee stood when she entered the kitchen, her face more lovely than the night before.
    “You look…,” Buford Tee said, losing his words.
    “What?” Miss Carmelia asked, waiting for the rest of his compliment.
    “Nice.  You look real nice,” he said, placing emphasis on the word “real.”
    “Thank you,” she said.  “So, where’re we going?”
    “I told you it was a surprise,” he replied.
    “Alright,” she said, picking up Martin and the three of them going out to Buford Tee’s horse and buggy, all getting inside and heading towards Jones County. 
    Martin sat quietly in his mama’s lap, mesmerized by the massive animal that pulled the buggy along.  A short while later, Buford Tee pulled in front of August’s house. 
    “Who lives here?” Miss Carmelia asked.
    “My grandpa and his wife,” he answered, halting the horse and opening the door for Miss Carmelia and Martin to get out.
    They walked to the front door, greeted by Miss Margaret, who had seen them when they turned down the path to August’s house.
    “Hello, dear,” Miss Margaret said.  “I have your salmon cakes ready and hot.”
    “Thanks, Miss Margaret,” Buford Tee said.
    “And who do we have here?” Miss Margaret asked, noticing Miss Carmelia and Martin, who was asleep in her arms.
    “This is Miss Carmelia,” Buford Tee said. 
    “Oh, your lady friend,” Miss Margaret said before Buford Tee could stop her.
    “She’s not my lady friend, Miss Margaret,” Buford Tee said, bashfully. 
    “She’s a cute little thang.   And who is this?” Miss Margaret asked, gently touching Martin on the cheek.
    “This is my son, Martin,” Miss Carmelia said. 
    “Oh, can I hold him?  We haven’t had a baby in the house in a long while,” Miss Margaret asked.
    “Sure,” Miss Carmelia said, handing him to Miss Margaret who tried not to wake him.
    “He is just adorable,” Miss Margaret said.  “Come on in and have some breakfast.”
    “Don’t mind if I do,” Buford Tee said.
    They walked inside and headed into the kitchen where August was seated eating his breakfast.
    “August, look at this, a baby.  Ain’t he precious?” Miss Margaret said, cooing over the baby.
    August gave a momentary glance at the child and nodded, and then he turned to Buford Tee and said, “Hey boy.  I was wondering when you were gone show up.  You late.” 
    “Grandpa, I want you to meet somebody.  This is Miss Carmelia Faye Lafayette,” Buford Tee said, gently pulling Miss Carmelia in front of August.
    “How do you do?” Miss Carmelia said, extending her hand to August, who shook her hand but eyed her cautiously.
    “Sit down.  Have some food.  There’s plenty,” Miss Margaret said.  “August, get another plate for Miss Carmelia.”
    He stood and pulled a plate from the cabinet and passed it to Miss Carmelia.
    “Thank you,” Miss Carmelia said, sitting down next to Buford Tee.
    They fixed their plates of food and ate while Miss Margaret sat across from them, still cooing at the sleeping baby.  August sat quietly, feeling out this woman that had caught Buford Tee’s eye. 
    She is a right pretty thang, August thought.   Maybe a little too pretty.  Got the boy’s head so high up in the clouds, he
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