her hands above her head.
    “I fuckin’ told you I don’t fuckin’ hurt women,” he growled. “I ain’t into takin’ pussy when I have so much of it thrown at me for free. Even if I didn’t, that’s your pussy. I don’t have no right to it unless you give it up.”
    The fight was draining the last of her strength and energy. If she didn’t have something to eat soon, she’d faint. She licked her lips, her mouth dry and her head pounding. “What are you doing if you aren’t—“
    “I’m lookin’ for your fuckin’ ID. I want to see your goddamn name.”
    “You’re feeling me up for my name ?” she hissed. “Why didn’t you just ask me, you moron?”
    He stilled and narrowed his eyes, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Did you just call me a fuckin’ moron?”
    God, nothing beyond the meal he’d promised her ran through her brain. If she’d been rational, she wouldn’t have bitten the hand promising to feed her by calling him a moron. “I’m sorry. Please. I’m hungry,” she said. She cleared her throat, appalled at the heat pooling in her belly and centering between her thighs with his hard body pressing into hers. “May I eat the food you brought in?”
    He continued his unnerving contemplation of her before removing his body from atop hers. He got to his feet, walked to the food, then brought her the bowl. He stood there, not moving out of her personal space. Her knees brushed against him and she felt…safe within the bubble of his zone. By his own doing, he’d swept her into his personal space and he had to know what an overwhelmingly sexy, virile man he was. Meggie figured he was trying to unnerve her on purpose, though she didn’t detect any menace behind his actions. Just pure sin and wickedness. Had she been a different type of girl, she would’ve been doing whatever he wanted her to do. She wasn’t at all like her two best friends. Farah went into graphic detail about how she’d did most of the high school football team and Lacey made no secret that she went both ways.
    Meggie kept her head bowed, slurping up the soup like the starving maniac she was.
    She’d been tempted by men before, but her temptations always focused on the cute male teachers rather than the student body, so she’d kept her mouth shut and enjoyed the male attention she got from boys her own age. She couldn’t risk sleeping with anyone, though. High school boys could be so juvenile and she’d get a reputation for whoring around even if she didn’t deserve it. And, of course, with her mother being the assistant principal at the school Meggie attended, she couldn’t risk that. If her mother found out, then Thomas would inevitably find out since Dinah found it necessary to tell him every little detail of both their lives.
    Her spoon clanked against t he bowl and she frowned. She’d finished? Already? God, she’d just gotten started.
    “How long since you last ate?”
    A sexy voice to go with a sexy body and magnificent face. Meggie shivered at the timbre, promising to memorize his voice so it soothed her to sleep at night and banished the memories of Thomas’s voice and actions. “Two days.”
    He grabbed the bo wl from her. “Can’t give you no more. You gonna hurl if you stuff your stomach with food after not eatin’ so long.”
    “But I’m still hungry,” she protested, hating her whiny plea. “And I haven’t had anything hot to eat in days.”
    “Your ma ain’t feedin’ you or somethin’?”
    “She can’t since she’s in Seattle.”
    That startled him. His eyes widened and he cocked his head to the side. Meggie squirmed beneath his intense scrutiny. Their gazes locked and she wondered at his impression of her. Electrical currents raced through her veins and she parted her lips. From her head to her toes, her body reacted to him. The memory of her last night in her mother’s house replayed in her mind and she closed her eyes.
    His voice broke through her misery. “Why’re you here and
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