Meggie noticed the word, ‘President’ painted on the shiny wood.
    “Sit, you thieving little bitch.”
    As if she had a choice. Not with Rack manhandling her and shoving her down on a brown leather sofa. He slammed the door closed and Meggie sagged in exhaustion. Now that her adrenaline was dipping again, the pain was returning. She settled one ankle on her knee and studied her foot. Dried blood, dirt, small glass shards and gravel coated the bottom. She needed to see to her feet, remove the glass, but she was just so tired. It had been a long, long month, and she’d survived by a thin thread, living off chips and cinnamon rolls the guy at the minimart gave to her after she’d traded her coat in lieu of giving him a blowjob. She drank water from the creek, the place where she spent the majority of her time.
    She hadn’t thought of the possibility of not being able to contact her father since her mother told Thomas she intended to send Meggie to Big Joe. Perhaps, he’d gone on a run. Or, maybe, they’d crossed paths. She’d been running to him in Hortensia and he’d been hightailing it to Seattle to pick her up.
    Frustration made Meggie want to scream. The adults in her life were driving her insane. She’d had to leave when the opportunity presented itself. She hadn’t been able to wait for her father’s arrival. In the span of twelve hours, Thomas had clamped down on where Meggie could go and who she spoke to. Since her mother had spoken to him, her father should’ve been expecting her. Or, at the very least, her call.
    The adults—
    Meggie sank back and rubbed her temples. As of today, she, too, was an adult.
    When she’d last seen him, he said he still lived at his club, where he’d resided for the past fifteen years after he and her mother separated.
    The door slammed open and Megan jerked her head up. The beautiful man sauntered in, carrying a tray with something steaming from a bowl. She’d expected Rack’s beady face again, not the big sexy biker whose smoldering green eyes took in every inch of her. After using his foot to close the door, he sat the tray on the desk, then stopped in front of her, leaving her eye level with the tease of his penis.
    She flushed. His penis pre ssed urgently against his jeans, waging a war with the zipper.
    “Wanna see all of it?” he asked. His words were clipped and anger lingered in his eyes, but laughter curled around the offer .
    She gazed up at him, searching for a sign of trouble. She was all alone with him and he might be perverted just like Thomas. She shook her head. “Would you zip your pants?”
    He mimicked her and shook his head. “Nope. Wouldn’t wanna ruin your study of my cock.”
    The burning tips of Meggie’s ears rivaled the heat in her cheeks. She told herself she was leery of this situation but the lie mocked her. She wasn’t leery of him . Not. At. All. She wanted to study every inch of his tanned skin and explore the entirety of his hard body. She wondered how her breasts would feel if he touched them with his rough fingertips.
    Without warning, he pulled her to her feet and began patting his hands down her body. She gasped when his hand landed on her chest and unbuttoned her shirt. She was hungry and hurting and wouldn’t be able to fight his intentions long, but she would fight. He dug his fingers into her bra and Meggie threw the full weight of her body against him. Other than a brief widening of the eyes, he didn’t budge.
    His hand slid down to her jeans and she balled her fists, but he saw the hit coming and grabbed her wrists, pulling her to him.
    “What the fuck you doin’?”
    She struggled against his hold. Her stomach roiled and her vision blurred. She hated she’d felt safe for some crazy reason, but he was no better than Thomas.  “You know what I’m doing. You want to force me to have sex with you.” She kicked out and he lifted her off her aching feet. He threw her down on the sofa and landed on top of her, holding
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