Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

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all wild omegas like this? Or could this just be a  product of being forced to take care of himself for so long? Even wild

    32                            Marcy Jacks
    werewolves were known to create packs to protect their smaller and
    weaker members.
    “I…I want it,” Terry said, sounding like he was having a hard  time getting his throat to work.
    “I know, but you just drank down that other bowl in less than five  seconds. Give it a minute or you’ll make yourself sick,” Morgan said.
    Then Terry did something that Morgan hadn’t been expecting. He  turned his head to look at him. “What are you?”
    Morgan looked back at him. They were both still naked, and Terry  needed another hot bath, but his eyes were gentle. Not because  Morgan had used their link to calm him, but he seemed genuinely  curious.
    “I’m a werewolf.”
    Terry’s eyes widened, and then he looked back up at the ceiling.
    Morgan watched him carefully after that, watched the way his throat worked as he swallowed, listened to the pumping of his heart as it sped up. Terry lifted his hands, and he stared down at his palms, clenching his fingers.
    “Am I a werewolf?”
    The question made everything inside of Morgan freeze up. Jesus  Christ, it was worse than he thought.
    It was Morgan’s turn to swallow nervously. “I haven’t seen your wolf form, but the fact that you were outside, naked, and are healing so rapidly now could only mean that you are. I can kind of sense it in you. You would be an omega, though sometimes you don’t act like it.”
    “Is that bad?” Terry’s voice seemed to be getting stronger as he
    spoke more.
    Morgan shook his head. “No. Not at all.”
    Terry’s eyes clouded again. “I can smell you.”
    “I can smell you, too.”
    Morgan already had a pretty good idea of where this was going

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      33

    when Terry leaned into him, pressing their bodies and their lips  together.
    Terry’s hand slid around his back, the other coming up and  gripping the spot where his shoulder met his neck, and he entwined  their legs together for as much closeness as possible.
    Morgan’s cock instantly filled and swelled, and when Terry  humped against him, he could feel the other man’s desperate erection  as well.
    Terry was much more animal about it. He made little pleasured noises as he rubbed their dicks together, completely ignoring the fact that they’d just met.
    Then there was the fact that Morgan wasn’t sure how old the guy was. From the finger signals Terry had given him earlier, he was going to guess it was about twenty-three, but he was on his way to hell if he had sex with this omega in the state he was in without finding out for sure.
    Terry had just reached down to grip at Morgan’s ass when  Morgan was finally able to force himself to grab Terry’s hands and pull them away from him.
    Terry made a sound of protest when Morgan untangled them and sat up. He had to rub his face and his lips with his hands just to erase the feeling of being kissed so passionately by a complete stranger.  Morgan’s cock did not go down, however. It didn’t matter how many dead puppies he thought of, even becoming desperate enough to imagine the wise woman of his pack, Old Maggie, in a bikini, nothing would make his body cooperate.
    The need to stake his claim on his mate was there, and now it was
    as strong as ever. His body shook with the effort it took to resist, and  fuck, it was already starting to pain him.
    He doubted he’d be able to go to the end of the day before he  caved and bent Terry over something and fucked him hard. He  wanted to do it, right now. The fact that Terry was still reaching out  for him with that disappointed look on his face didn’t help anything.

    34                            Marcy Jacks
    All Morgan could do was look down at him and imagine how good it would
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