Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc Read Online Free PDF

Book: Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc Read Online Free PDF
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 done or wanted to do. This was one of those times when his wolf
    wanted to growl possessively over the small pile of food, keeping  Nick from getting any of it.
    He had to tell it to shut the hell up. Morgan wanted to feed his  mate, but it wasn’t fair for him to ask Nick, or even demand it of him,  that he starve himself so that Terry could eat.

    30                            Marcy Jacks
    “Would it be all right if I gave one of the cans to Terry, and you
    and I shared the other?”
    Nick nodded, and if he at all sensed the internal struggle Morgan had just had, he didn’t mention it. “That should work. And the cereal can be split into three bowls for snacking. Hopefully the storm will pass before we need to eat again.”
    Considering the little that there was, that would be very soon.
    Morgan wanted to let Terry sleep, but the longer he stayed out of the other man’s room, the more worried he became that he would
    wake up alone and try to sneak out the window or something.
    They quickly made their bowls, with Nick’s and Morgan’s being  the most watered down and Terry’s being the thickest and best  looking. Morgan was going to have to remember to thank the other  man for being so good about this.
    He nudged the door open and stepped inside. Terry was exactly  where Morgan had left him, sleeping peacefully under the mountain  of covers Morgan had put on him.
    He stepped closer to the bed and put the bowls and spoons on the  nightstand.
    Terry’s nose twitched at the smell, but he didn’t open his eyes.
    Morgan reached down and gently shook his shoulder, not  knowing what to expect when the younger man shifted and opened his
    “Brought you some food,” Morgan said.
    Terry’s eyes widened, and he sat up slowly, his nostrils flaring as  he sniffed, suddenly noticing the scent.
    Quick as lightning he reached out and snatched Morgan’s bowl,  the one that was so watered down it would be difficult to call it food
    at all.
    “Wait, not that one.” Morgan reached out to take the bowl, but  Terry growled at him.
    The sound coming from an omega’s throat was so shocking that  Morgan pulled back. Terry lunged out of bed, spilling some of the

Mated to the Wild Omega                      31

    soup on him, and he backed himself into a corner, keeping his eyes on  Morgan even as he lifted the bowl to his lips and drank down the  contents, ever suspicious.
    Christ, what happened to him?
    When he finished drinking from the bowl, he used his fingers to  pull out the little cut up potatoes and peas that he’d missed and ate  those, too. Then he spotted the other bowl, the one that was supposed  to be his in the first place, and he lunged for it.
    Morgan had to stop him before he could reach it, and Terry  released a roar that was part rage and part terror.
    Goddamn. It was a good thing he’d asked Nick not to disturb  them.
    Morgan grabbed onto Terry’s shoulders, but the omega actually
    bit him on the hand.
    “Ahh!” Morgan yelled, yanking his hand back but then grabbing  hold of Terry’s shoulders and all but throwing him down on the floor.
    Big mistake. Terry flipped out even more, struggling and worming  his body beneath Morgan’s.
    Oh no, Morgan wanted to groan in shame when his body reacted.  That was only going to make it worse. He had to put a stop to this,
    It was hard getting a good grip on the younger wolf, considering he was still partly wet with soup broth, but Morgan eventually managed to grab hold of his chin and force him to look Morgan in the
    Again, he wasn’t sure how it was done. Maybe it was just because  he willed it to happen, needed Terry to be calm, that he did eventually  calm down. His muscles went from being tight to going soft, and he  no longer looked like he wanted to attack anyone.
    Morgan’s breathing was hard as he pushed himself off of Terry’s  body to lie next to him.
    Fuck. Were
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