Desirable? He knew she enjoyed a certain degree of physical pain, but what of psychological? He had spoken with her father briefly and was told that the girl had been seeing a therapist for eight months now and the only change was that she no longer hurt herself.
Dahlia had been a stabber, and used to self-inflict puncture wounds using needles and other such pointed instruments. She had not harmed herself to the point of needing hospitalization, but the fear remained that she could do so one day.
Mr. Covington revealed the name of the therapist as Ginger Franklin. Blake knew the woman well and had even engaged in unidentified hooded play with her in his private dungeon located at Over the Barrel. He knew the names and professions of all his clients, and was simply known as Master. No name and no initials to give away his secret.
Blake scrubbed his forehead, wondering what type of insanity came over him when he showed his personal dungeon to Dahlia the second she arrived. Was it because she had tried to gain entry to his club and been refused? Or, perhaps, something within him whispered that she was the one he had been searching for.
He was definitely physically attracted to her. Despite his tendency to desire more mature women, this young beauty had a quality to her that he found irresistible. It was not those long, shapely legs that had been strengthened through years of riding English saddle and going on mock hunts. Nor was it those large, dark blue eyes that reminded him of a baby doll, or the naturally pink lips that peaked in the perfect Cupid ’ s bow.
Maybe it was the freshness of her rebellion. The pink ombre hair, which, on anyone else, would have looked clownish. The piercing to her left eyebrow and to her labrum looked natural on her slender face and complemented her delicate features. He wondered if she bore any other piercings or body art, and tapped his pen against the glass top of his desk. Indeed, such modifications, if they existed, would tell him more of her story.
Blake looked up as Mrs. Alonso entered carrying a tray.
“Your coffee, sir. Please allow me to serve.”
“You may, and then I want you to sit. I wish to speak with you.”
“Have I done something to displease you, Master?” The woman looked alarmed, her hands trembling as she poured the beverage.
“Not at all. You please me greatly, Giada. You always have. But, isn ’ t this your afternoon off?”
“Humberto had his nose in the accounts and I try to make myself scarce when he balances books.”
“I see. I also gather you did not tell him you were coming here,” Blake tsked. “I want your impression of the Covington girl.”
“May I speak freely?” the woman asked. She inhaled after seeing his nod. “She is a spoiled, whining child who lacks boundaries and respect. She seems to be under the impression that the planet revolves around her needs and desires, and anyone that attempts to correct her is disposable.”
“You don ’ t like her,” Blake observed.
“No, sir. I am hoping the day she leaves our household will come soon.”
“What if it does not? What if I desire her to stay?”
“This is your home, Master. You pick and choose who you want and who you do not,” Mrs. Alonso said through clenched teeth.
“Speak to me as a friend. You have known me the longest and have been the most loyal of my companions. I trust you and your instincts.”
“I am also the one who gave you your very first blowjob and taught you how to please a woman,” Giada relaxed, smiling. “I love you in a special way. I do miss our encounters.”
“As do I, but I will not defile your marriage bed. Your husband agreed to allow you to continue in my service under the condition I don ’ t give myself to you sexually. I respect him and will honor that request.”
Giada snorted. “Do you always have the need to keep your promises? And what do you mean by your giving yourself to me? As I recall, it was the other way around.”