imbedded cock from around her waist and harnessed it to Dahlia, who was forced to keep her knees spread wide apart to accommodate the size. She pressed Dahlia ’ s head to the ground and then secured her wrists to the harness at her thighs.
“This restraint will prevent you from closing your legs and denying me access. Arch your back and show me your asshole. I think I might take that today too. I have never double fucked you, have I?”
Dahlia shook her head, both excited and terrified at the idea of being completely filled. Ginger pressed her tongue to the puckered hole, kissing it gently.
“Yes… This little asshole needs some special attention today. Before I fuck it, though,” she ran something down Dahlia ’s crack, “I think I want to punish it. This is a rubber stringed flogger. It is small but leaves a nice little sting when bad little assholes are spanked with it.”
She ran the thread-like tails of the small flogger across Dahlia ’ s moist pussy, then snapped it cleanly to nip the flexing sphincter.
“Yow!” Dahlia exclaimed, clenching her cheeks without much success.
“Can ’ t you feel that I used the harness to keep these lovely pieces of flesh pulled apart? You can ’ t hide this naughty little thing from me, you bad girl,” Ginger scolded, snapping her again.
“ I don’ t think I like that thing,” Dahlia complained, unable to crawl away or collapse to escape the smarting stings.
“You? Not like pain? Since when, darling?” Ginger paused to rub her fingers up and down the offended crack.
“I like thuddy pain, not sharp. This shit hurts.”
“Are you calling your safeword? If you do, the scene ends,” Ginger warned her, smacking the protruding bottom several times. Dahlia groaned as the dildo was jarred inside of her.
“Ohhh… That is what I like. Please…”
“ No. I lost interest, ” Ginger remarked cruelly.
“I ’ m sorry I complained! Do whatever you want. I promise, I will be quiet. Nooo…” Dahlia whined as Ginger released her and yanked out the rubber cock. “Let me come at least!”
“Absolutely not. Give me a kiss and get into the hot tub.”
Dahlia obeyed, hugging Ginger tightly to her heaving breasts. “Thanks. You always know how to make me suffer.”
“Just think, baby,” Ginger cooed, playing with Dahlia ’ s nipple, “the day I finally allow you to come will be spectacular. I really wish I knew what made you tick, though.”
“I do too. Not that it matters,” Dahlia laughed, splashing her friend, “as long as I know someone is in control, I am in heaven. Especially if I am being denied what I want.”
“We will have to talk about that during our next session. I am assuming your daddy still wants you to see your therapist regarding your ‘unnatural attraction to pain, ’ as he puts it.”
“Little does he know, but making me go to a therapist was the best thing he ever did for me. I hope he will be given a good report about my progress,” Dahlia snickered.
“I feel guilty about taking his money, but hell,” Dr. Ginger Franklin smiled, coaxing her finger inside Dahlia’ s stretched pussy. “He knew my methods were unconventional when he hired me.”
Chapter Three
Blake slammed the notebook closed after glancing up at the clock sculptured directly into the plaster wall. The artist has designed it as a message that time was solid, unwavering, and immoveable. Blake was much like that clock. Nothing could budge him or distract him from his focus.
Except Dahlia.
He had never met a true masochist before. His curiosity about her ‘condition ’ had led him to the Internet to research. Like those drawn in as sadists, Blake discovered that the masochistic personality was as varied as the individual. There was no specific limit or direction, and only time and patience would reveal the exact nature of Dahlia ’ s needs and desires.
She had commented that she needed pain to feel. Feel what? Alive? In control? Wanted?