Mates, Dates and Cosmic Kisses

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Book: Mates, Dates and Cosmic Kisses Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cathy Hopkins
home, I checked the machine for messages. Nothing. Nothing.
    ‘Never mind,’ said Lucy. ‘I have a surprise for you.’
    We went up to my bedroom and she handed me an envelope.
    ‘What is it?’ I asked.
    ‘Look and see.’
    I ripped open the envelope and there were three tickets to the Mind, Body and Spirit fair the next day.
    ‘Fabola!’ I said. ‘Where did you get these?’
    ‘Dad,’ said Lucy. ‘He has a stall there selling his health foods. He gave them to us so we can all get in for free. So even if Mark doesn’t phone tonight, we can go
anyway, check out where his mum’s stall is, then accidentally-on-purpose bump into him.’
    I gave Lucy a huge hug. So she did understand how much it meant to me after all. ‘Excellent. Lucy, you really are a pal.’
    Lucy beamed. ‘Well, come on, let’s see what our horoscopes are. I’m dying to know, as I’m seeing Tony tomorrow night and want to know if it’s going to go
    I switched on my computer and went to my favourite website. I typed in my and Lucy’s birth dates and waited for the horoscopes to print out.
    ‘Where are you going with him?’ I asked.
    ‘Hollywood Bowl,’ Lucy replied. ‘We’re going to see a movie then going to get a burger or something after.’
    ‘You really like him, don’t you?’ I asked.
    Lucy grinned. ‘Oh yeah, oh yeah .’
    ‘But you’ll be careful, won’t you? Nesta’s not the only one worried that he might hurt you.’
    ‘Gimme a break,’ said Lucy. ‘I know what he’s like. Nesta’s told me enough times.’
    I picked up the sheets of paper from the printer and began to read.
    ‘What does it say?’ asked Lucy.
    ‘This is amazing,’ I said. ‘This explains everything. It says that Mercury has been retrograde but moves direct on the sixth of December. That’s
    ‘What does that mean?’ asked Lucy.
    ‘Well Mercury’s the planet of communication. Whenever it turns retrograde, it slows down all kinds of things. Misunderstandings happen, appointments get double-booked, you
can’t get through to people you need to talk to, all that kind of stuff. Then when it turns direct, it all starts flowing again. So don’t you see? That’s why Mark didn’t
phone. Because Mercury was retrograde.’
    ‘Do you really think the stars influence us that much?’ asked Lucy doubtfully.
    ‘Oh absolutely,’ I said, reading on. ‘Oh this is fantastic, for both of us. Venus is well aspected tomorrow with a full Moon in Taurus . . .’
    ‘Izzie,’ said Lucy, ‘you’re talking gobbledygook to me. Explain.’
    ‘Venus is the planet of love. It rules the star sign of Taurus. It couldn’t be better placed tomorrow. It looks like we’re both in for a good time. Top. I can’t wait.
I’m going to mark all the dates on my diary when the stars are well aspected. I don’t know why I’ve put myself through such hell this week. I should have consulted the site in the
beginning then I wouldn’t have been through such misery.’
    Lucy was still looking doubtful. ‘I’m sure there’s more to it than that,’ she said.
    ‘Nonsense,’ I said, feeling better than I had for days. ‘Astrology rules, OK?’
    ‘Oh,’ laughed Lucy. ‘OK.’
    At that moment, the bedroom door opened.
    ‘Supper’s on the table,’ said Mum. ‘Would you like some, Lucy?’
    ‘Oh, yes please,’ said Lucy. ‘I’d love some.’
    ‘Can we have ours up here?’ I asked. ‘Please, Mum?’
    ‘OK,’ said Mum. ‘Seeing as Lucy’s here. I’ll bring a tray up. But be sure to eat at the desk and not off your laps.’
    When she’d gone, I got up and shut the door. ‘Honestly, it drives me mad. She won’t let me have a lock on my door. She doesn’t even knock. I have no privacy. She’s
always bursting in when I’m doing things. Nesta’s allowed a lock on her door. Why shouldn’t I be?’
    ‘I know,’ Lucy said. ‘I’ve asked for a lock on my door too but Mum and Dad said no way. What if something happened to
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