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for thinking about values. An Internet search produces dozens
of exhaustive lists from which to work.
Once again, the goal, here, is to take each word on this (and
your expanded) list and discuss it with your slave in order to
learn more about your slave's (and your) basic beliefs. Since
your basic beliefs color your everyday reality, the more you know
about yourself and your slave, the better you'll be able to work
together harmoniously.
What is a "Master" to you? What is a "slave"?
In my experience, relationships sometimes falter and fail because
core values or basic assumptions differ between the partners.
While each partner uses words such as "master" and "slave,"
they are unlikely to have a 100% match about what those words
(and many other "concept words") actually mean. Unless the two
of you sit down and carefully work through each other's personal
values, traits, dreams, wants, and needs, there are likely to be
recurring surprises as you get to know one another. The risk in
NOT working through this exercise is that each of you may have
been attracted to the superficial representation of the other person - you've been drawn to your partner's "public face," rather
than to the person's "core being." While that may not be a bad
thing, it may lead you to have to re-evaluate and re-adjust your
on-going relationship more than you had initially expected.
While hardly an exhaustive list, here are some ideas about what
a Master candidate might look like to a slave-in-waiting:
• Someone who understands that an M/s relationship is
between equals - that the slave has no less value as
a person than Master.
• A person who admits his/her personal weaknesses
and is committed to turning those weaknesses into
strengths and growing emotionally and spiritually.
• Someone emotionally, physically, and intellectually
equal to or stronger than the slave.
• Someone to be responsible for the slave's wellbeing
and the wellbeing of the relationship.
• A person who enough life experience, knowledge, and
wisdom to serve as a mentor and teacher.
• A person who will hold the slave accountable to higher
standards. This includes a Master who is spiritually
awake and uses the M/s relationship to further spiritual
• A person who establishes an atmosphere of safety,
even as he/she must discipline the slave for transgressions.
• A high-level communicator who maintains well-defined
boundaries regarding accepted behavior.
• Someone who will be honest, even when knowing that
the slave's reaction might be negative.
• A person who can demonstrate his/her understanding
of the gift that is offered when total submission, obedience and service is given.
Here are some ideas about what a slave candidate might look
like to a Master. Again, this is just a starting point. You have to
make your own list.
• A person experienced in the Leather culture, who
understands the demands of a structured relationship.
Again, the fantasy of living 24/7 in a structured relationship is certainly going to differ from the fantasies
described in books such as, Sleeping The Beauty
trilogy (Anne Rice), or even the Marketplace series
(Laura Antoniou).
• A quick learner. Someone who is likely to be adaptable to new situations. Someone who can apply
knowledge to behavior. This describes a person in
control of him/herself - not a person over-controlled by
prior experiences. Let's face it; we all have baggage.
Some people hang on to their baggage more than others. It's important when exploring an M/s relationship
that the slave has the capacity to meld his/her world to
the likes/dislikes of Master independent of the slave's
own historical likes/dislikes. This takes flexibility.
• An adventuresome person who is committed to supporting you and your endeavors, regardless of where
they lead.
• A person of high moral/ethical behavior who is also a
clear communicator. This person must have
Leslie Charteris, David Case