Marriage Under Siege

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Book: Marriage Under Siege Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anne O'Brien
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Medieval
ale, his thoughtful
gaze resting on the lady in question at the far side of the Hall. 'Poor girl,'
he muttered as if to himself.
    'Why do you say that?'
Mansell realised that it might be in his interests to hear Sir William's more
knowledgeable assessment of the match.
    'Did you know your cousin
at all?' The rough brows rose in exaggerated query.
    'Not really.'
    'I thought not or you would
not ask. I would not wish to speak ill of the dead, and certainly not on the
day of his burial. But let me just say this—Edward had few friends to respect
or mourn him, as is obvious from the paltry turn-out here. Local unrest would
not normally keep friends and neighbours away from a good funeral! And his
merits as a sensitive and caring husband for a young girl? Well, all I can say
is that Denham must have been out of his mind—should never have allowed it.'
    Francis watched Lady
Mansell as she eased an elderly lady to her feet from a settle by the fire and
restored her stick to her gnarled hand. His lips thinned a little in sudden
distaste. So his own thoughts on the marriage were confirmed. Poor girl indeed.
    'It will be difficult for
you to enjoy your gains in the circumstances, my boy, although we are quieter
here than many areas,' Sir William continued, interrupting his younger
relative's thoughts, sure of his subject now. 'Most of the families hereabouts
are loyal to the King or have the sense to keep their mouths shut and their
doubts to themselves. Connections between families are still strong—much intermarriage
has strengthened family ties over the centuries of course. Your own family has
close connections with many apart from us at Croft Castle. The Scudamores , of course. The Pyes ,
the Kyrles of Walford —none
of them here, you notice. And the Rudhalls —the son
was at the church earlier but—ah, yes, there he is by the screen, looking as if
he has lost his best hunter as usual. You will have noticed that the Coningsbys did not put in an appearance?'
    'I had. Is there a reason?
Your knowledge of my family intricacies is much greater than mine.'
    'No marriage connections
with the Coningsbys , of course—but a deadly feud
between Fitzwilliam Coningsby and Edward going back many years; I have
forgotten the details. But a lot of history there.
    You might find that you
inherit it along with the property. You might want to watch your back, my boy.'
    'I am sure I shall soon
discover. But tell me, Sir William, how did my cousin's loyalties lie in
present politics?'
    'Royalist, of course.
Hereford is well under the command of Coningsby as Governor in the city. He and
I muster the trained bands as required. There has been little unrest so far.
The nearest Parliamentary garrison is Gloucester under Colonel Massey and that
is too far away to be much of a threat in everyday matters. So we organise
affairs to our own liking with little interference from those self-serving
blackguards such as John Pym in London.'
    Mansell took a deep breath.
It really would not be politic to remain silent longer on such a crucial issue,
however difficult the outcome. His eyes held Sir William's in a forthright
stare. 'Perhaps I should tell you clearly, Sir William. My own sympathies lie
with Parliament. I cannot in all conscience support a man such as Charles
.Stuart who would bleed his country dry, ignore the advice of Parliament—or
even its very existence—and would have used the Catholic Irish to invade and
subjugate his own people. I am not a Royalist—and nor would I be content to
keep my mouth shut and my head down, as you put it. I will speak up for my
beliefs, and act on them if necessary.'
    Silence. As sharp as the
honed blade at Sir William's side.
    Sir William took another
gulp of ale. 'Well, my boy.' He eyed Mansell quizzically, perhaps a hint of
respect in his fierce eyes under their grizzled brows. 'That will put the
hunting cat amongst the local pigeons. I like a man who knows his own mind and
is not afraid to state it. But are you
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