Marriage Under Siege

Marriage Under Siege Read Online Free PDF

Book: Marriage Under Siege Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anne O'Brien
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Medieval
sure? I had never expected your father's
son to speak such treason. And neither would he! He will be turning in his
grave to hear you!'
    Mansell laughed, but
harshly, and the bitterness did not escape Sir William. 'Oh, yes. I am sure.
Will this situation—your family connection with a traitor —make
matters uncomfortable for you?'
    'Yes. It will. No point in
beating about the bush. My wife will expect me to welcome you for the sake of
your father and mother. My political associates will damn you as spawn of the
Devil. So what am I expected to do?' Sir William finished the ale and wiped his
mouth with the back of his hand as he contemplated the future. The lines of
authority and experience around his eyes deepened as he weighed the situation.
Mansell simply waited for him to come to a most personal decision, hoping that
he had not totally alienated this proud but honest man. He was not
    'I will try not to forget
what I owe to family. Or the strength of historical connection. I owe that to
your family and mine. But I never dreamed... Did your father know of
your...your political inclination before he died?'
    'Yes, he did. And although
he could not support me—he remained true to the Stuart cause until the end—he
did not try to dissuade me. But our relationship was not easy in the months
before he died.' Man- sell's eyes were bleak as he remembered the pain and
disillusion which had marked his father's last days.
    'Well, then. It has indeed
been a day of revelation.' Sir William hesitated a moment. 'It could put you in
a dangerous position, you realise.'
    'How so? I am hardly a
threat to my neighbours, outnumbered as I am.'
    'So it would seem. But a Parliamentarian
stronghold such as this in a Royalist enclave? A severe weakness, many would
say, particularly as some of your neighbours might believe that your potential
influence is now too great, given your fortunate increase in wealth and
property. Some might decide that it would be best policy to divest you of some
of that influence. Permanently!' He showed his teeth without humour. 'Some such
as Fitzwilliam Coningsby!'
    'You are surely not
thinking of a physical assault, are you?' Mansell did not know whether to laugh
at the prospect or to be horrified.
    'I hope not. But put your
mind to your other properties. It would do well for you to see to their
security before word of this gets out. As it most assuredly will.'
    'And you would give me that
time, Sir William?'
    'I could. For the sake of
family, you understand. But don't expect too much of me. I am not enamoured of
the work of Mr Pym and his rabble of supporters who would oust the rightful
monarch—and replace him with what? God only knows. It would put all our lives
and property in danger if we allowed such a thing to happen. Yours too, my
    'Now is not the time for
such a discussion. But I am grateful for your advice and tolerance, Sir
William. I hope that I can repay it.' His features were softened a little by a
genuine smile. 'And not put you into too great a difficulty with Lady Croft.'
    Sir William grunted,
turning to collect his cloak and hat from the chest against the wall. 'I must
be going. What will Lady Mansell do now?'
    'I have no idea. Although I
expect that she is more than well provided for. I presume, given the wardship,
that she has no family to return to.'
    Sir William shook his head.
'These are not good times for young women, particularly wealthy ones, to exert
their independence.'
    'I am aware. That, Sir
William, is the next problem for me to consider.'
    'I wish you good fortune.
And if you will take my advice, you will mention your allegiance towards
Parliament to no one, at least not until you are certain that you can hold your
property. I would hate you to lose it before you have taken possession!' He
laced his cloak and pulled his hat low on his brow. 'Take care, my boy. Take
care.' Sir William clapped Mansell on the shoulder. 'Local politics run very
    The guests had
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