Marius' Mules V: Hades' Gate

Marius' Mules V: Hades' Gate Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Marius' Mules V: Hades' Gate Read Online Free PDF
Author: S.J.A. Turney
Tags: Rome, Roman, Gaul, Army, Legion, Caesar
a toga.
    He squeezed his eyes shut to prevent the depression sinking in again. Any time he started contemplating the future he ended up in a grey miserable fog that lasted until he was safely drunk.
    Aware that he probably looked deranged, standing with one leg slightly bent, shuffling and shaking and with his eyes squeezed shut, he straightened and opened them.
    And remembered why he was doing this.
    Lucilia was simply stunning. Fronto had seen dozens of weddings and dozens of brides in his time, and it was virtually impossible to tell one bride from the next until they changed out of the traditional garments, but somehow Lucilia managed to look individual, different and beautiful.
    Her hair was bound up in the traditional six-locked cone shape, draped with the flame-coloured veil that shimmered and floated before her face, giving her features a gauzy, other-worldly appearance. Her white tunic, girdled with the double knot was somehow divine in its austerity. The saffron-shaded palla over her shoulders was quietly magnificent, cut in silk from beyond Parthia by an expert seamstress. Her golden sandals clicked lightly on the marble.
    Fronto realised that his symptoms had almost entirely vanished, replaced by a speedily-thumping heart. He hoped he didn't look too vacant and reminded himself not to drool.
    Corvinia and Balbina and the various women of the family came on in her wake, almost overshadowed by her stunning beauty. Fronto hardly noticed them as they moved from the open garden into the tablinum and greeted the witnesses with a simple nod. Fronto realised that he had started walking automatically, before his brain had even sent the message to his feet, keeping pace with the bride as she passed through the spacious room and into the atrium, where the altar had been placed next to the impluvium pool. From somewhere off to the left, an old man in the white robe of a haruspex shuffled into view, leading a thoroughly washed and deodorised pig, who snorted in a disgruntled manner. The old man almost fell over the pig which, Fronto knew, would be taken for a bad omen by many, but managed to right himself just in time. Old Bucco was Balbus' uncle and had the distinction of having been Pontifex Maximus for a brief stint following the Social war. How the doddery old lunatic managed to stay upright on his ageing bow legs was a matter of question for Fronto, but the man was undeniably the most qualified for the task.
    Bucco raised his hands for a respectful silence and paused dramatically, the pig calmly standing by his leg, close to the altar and a smoking, glowing brazier.
    "May the Gods look upon this union… phlaaaaw… and bless it. We seek their… phlaaaaw… benediction and the omens in the… phlaaaaw… entrails of this noble beast."
    Fronto closed his eyes for a moment as he came to stand still beside Lucilia and in front of the spectacle. Balbus had warned him that Bucco had acquired an odd speech defect following the illness that had struck his left arm useless and made half his face slip, but Fronto had been unprepared for the strange exhaling, drooling drawl that punctuated his sentences. He tried not to laugh as the 'noble beast' left them the first gift of the day on the decorative marble floor.
    Three of the house's slaves stepped forward and gently tipped the pig onto its side, holding it steady while Bucco brandished the knife, peering intently at it with one eye, while the other roved over the wall to one side.
    Fronto raised his gaze to the doorway beyond and ran through a list of the upcoming charioteers at the circus in the next month and how much he was prepared to back each for, trying not to listen to the grotesque noises rising from the sacrifice before him. In fact, he became so involved in his mental list that he only realised the act was complete when Bucco rose into view, crimson to the elbows, holding something wobbly and purple that he dropped into the brazier beside the altar with a hiss and a
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