accountin’ was done, as it indicates a work force in the plant even more efficient than the security types which have been keepin’ me at bay, but at the time I was too busy bein’ outraged at bein’ charged retail instead of cost for the materials lost.
All that keeps me from truly expressin’ my opinion of the situation is that Roxie explains that I am not bein’ singled out for special treatment, but that this is indeed a plant-wide policy which all the worker types must suffer. He also points out that the cost of the first aid for the Payroll type is gonna be charged against my paycheck, and that what I have left will not be sufficient for me to indulge myself in another go ‘round,
Thus it is that I am doubly disheartened when I hook up with Bunny for our weekly meetin’ and debriefin’, bein’ as how I am not only a failure but a poor failure which is the worst kind to be.
“Guido, what’s wrong?” she sez when we meet. “You look terrible!”
As I have said, Bunny is a swell head, but she is still a skirt, which means she has an unerring instinct for what to say to pick a guy up when he’s under the weather.
“I am depressed,” I sez, since she wasn’t around when I explained it to you. “The workin’ conditions at the plant are terrible, especially considerin’ the pay we aren’t getting’.”
At this, Bunny rolls her eyes and groans to express her sympathy.
“Oh, Guido! You’re talking just like a ... what is it that you call them? Oh, yes. Just like a worker type.”
“That’s ‘cause I am a worker type!”
This earns me the hairy eyeball.
“No, you’re not,” she sez real hard-like. “You’re an executive for M.Y.T.H. Inc. here on an investigation. Now quit being negative and let’s talk about the job.”
It occurs to me that she has a truly unusual concept of how to avoid negative thinkin’,
“Suit yourself,” I sez, givin’ her my best careless shrug like I usually save for court performances. “As far as the job goes, I am truly at a dead end. After a week I have discovered nothin’ and don’t have the foggiest where to look next.”
“Good!” she sez, breakin’ into a smile which could melt an iceberg, of which there are very few at the Bazaar with which I could test my hyperbole. Naturally I am surprised.
“Perhaps my small-but-normally-accurate ears are deceivin’ me, Bunny. Did I understand you to say that it’s a good thing that I am gettin’ nowhere in my investigations?”
“That’s right. You see, I think I’m on to something at my end, and if you’re coming up empty in the plant, maybe you can help me with my theories! Now here’s what I want you to do.
* * *
FOLLOWIN’ BUNNY’S SUGGESTION, I start out the next week by bracin’ the foreman to reassign me to work in the warehouse on inventory. At first he is reluctant, as he does not like worker types tellin’ him his job, but after I point out to him how small the hospitalization benefits provided by the owner really are, he becomes far more reasonable.
All I have to do to give Bunny the support she requests is to double-check the materials comin’ into the plant, and send her an extra copy of each day’s tally in the inter-office mail. This pleases me immensely, as it is not only easy work, it also gives me substantial amounts of free time with which I can pursue a project of my own.
You see, I am still more than a little steamed over the hatchet job, which was performed upon my paycheck. I therefore take it upon myself to commence conductin’ my own unofficial survey as to workin’ conditions around the plant, and since my eye has the benefit of business school trainin’, which most of the workin’ types have not bothered with, it becomes rapidly apparent that the situational stinks worse than the Doggie Doodle did.
Just as an example, the plant has made a practice of hirin’ all sorts of bein’s, many of which is extremely difficult to describe without getting’