M Is for Marquess

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Book: M Is for Marquess Read Online Free PDF
Author: Grace Callaway
Tags: regency historical romance
as long as he accompanied her and the cases weren’t too dangerous. Thea suspected that he’d chosen the path of least resistance. Trying to stop Emma from her pursuing her desired goal was like jumping in front of a runaway carriage.
    “Thank you, no. I have my own resources,” Tremont said.
    “Yes but finding criminals is our bread and butter—”
    “I am in your debt as it is, Your Grace. For the accommodations as well as the protection of the footmen you’ve posted outside. On the morrow, I shall look into retaining my own guards.”
    “All the more reason to hire Kent and Associates,” Emma persisted. “Strathaven’s brother, Mr. McLeod, oversees the firm’s security cases, and he was once part of the 95 th Rifles—”
    “It isn’t comme il faut to badger one’s guest, darling,” Strathaven said mildly.
    Thea had to agree with the duke. She knew that Em’s perseverance would achieve nothing other than friction with Tremont.
    “Why don’t we check in on Olivia?” she suggested before her sister could argue further. “We haven’t seen the poppet for hours, and she’s probably wondering where everyone’s gone.”
    If there anything Emma couldn’t resist, it was the pull of her infant daughter.
    “Oh, all right. I was only trying to help.” Emma rose to her feet, Strathaven politely following suit. “Tremont, talk to the duke here if you won’t take my word for it. My brother Ambrose and his partners are the best investigators in the business.”
    “I do not doubt it, your grace,” Tremont said with a bow.
    Thea followed her sister out. As she passed Tremont, she made the mistake of looking him straight in the eyes. The flash of yearning she saw—the white-hot of molten steel—made her stumble. He caught her, steadying her against him. His subtle scent pervaded her senses; he wore no perfume, smelling of clean soap and his own male musk, an ineffably arousing combination. His heat and sinewy strength melted her insides. Their gazes held.
    Heart thumping, she said, “I—I beg your pardon.”
    “No need, Miss Kent. ’Tis my pleasure to be of assistance.”
    The raw edge to his voice heightened her giddiness.
    “Coming, Thea?” Her sister’s voice broke the moment.
    Immediately, Tremont released her, the warmth vanishing like quicksilver from his eyes. Making her wonder if she’d imagined it—if those cool grey depths had ever held anything more than polite regard for her.
    Don’t mistake kindness for more. He’s already rejected you once.
    Dash it all… why?
    Swallowing, she said, “Good afternoon, my lord.”
    She walked away before she did something else to regret.

Chapter Four
    Half-past midnight, Thea gave up on trying to sleep. Donning a chintz wrapper over her night rail, she took a lamp and left her bedchamber, heading to the stairwell. There she paused, her gaze drawn down the flickering corridor that led to the wing of guest rooms. An image flashed in her head of Tremont in bed…
    Awareness shivered over her. ’Twas this type of thinking that had led to her insomnia in the first place. Tremont’s proximity was tinder to her senses, inflaming them and clouding her judgment. Thankfully, he’d taken supper on a tray in his son’s room, and she hadn’t seen him all evening.
    As she descended the wide, curving steps, however, she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of trouble Tremont was mired in. She sensed that there was more to the attempted kidnapping than he was letting on. What secrets was he harboring?
    Don’t meddle. His business doesn’t concern you. He’s made that clear enough.
    In search of distraction, she entered the dimly lit library. The duke’s collection of books occupied shelves spanning from the floor to the high ceiling; one could spend a lifetime exploring the literary hedgerows. Plush seating clustered around the hearth flickering at the center of the room, and, at the far end, tall bow windows overlooked the moonlit gardens. The scent of
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