
Lyndley Read Online Free PDF

Book: Lyndley Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. Renee
promise to be the best waitress you have." I hug him.  
    "We are just glad you are home, Lyn. Your momma and daddy really missed you.”
    I nod and try to keep the tears at bay. I know I made a lot of mistakes over the years, but not visiting them was probably the worst. I was always afraid what they would think if they knew the truth about the baby, the marriage, and Tyler.  
    Sometimes I feel like an idiot for keeping them in the dark all these years. They would have only done what they could to help me, just like I would have done with own my daughter.  
    I make my way down to the creek, hoping to get away from things for a while. As I walk down the steep hill, I slip and tumble the rest of the way. When I slam into a rock, I feel pain radiate through my leg. When I finally come to a stop, I grab my phone, wincing, and try to call my mom, but no one answers.  
    When I try to stand up, I can't put any pressure on it. Shit. How the hell am I going to get out of here ? Taking a deep breath, I do the only thing I can. I call Jax. Before the voicemail has a chance to pick up, Tate answers.
    "Hey, Lynnie. I'm not sure he wants to talk to you right now. He’s in a bad way,” he slowly states.
    "I know he probably hates me right now, but I need help. My parents aren't answering and I have no one else to call. Can you please come help me?"  
    "What’s wrong?” he asks curiously.  
    "I think I broke my leg or something. I fell down the steep hill by the creek. I can't put pressure on it and I can't get back up on my own. Please…,” I beg.
    "Shit,” he mutters. "Okay. He’s coming out of the bathroom. I'll let him know."  
    "Please hurry, Tate,” I groan, hanging up. Jax is going to be mad. He probably has a million better things to do than help me.  
    I try to move, but I just end up getting muddy. Wiping my leg off the best I can, I see the bruise already forming. I have a bump the size of a softball, and the bruise is even bigger. I touch it softly and wince at the pain. It's not the worse pain I've ever had, but it’s still pretty bad.  
    Sighing, I sit and wait for the cavalry to show up.

Chapter Six

    After about fifteen minutes, I hear voices. One sounds like Tate, but I can't make out the other one. Looking up, I wait. When I see his face, I instantly feel better. He's wearing his cowboy boots, a pair of worn jeans, and a black t-shirt that perfectly shows all his muscles. My mouth waters at the sight of him.  
    Mentally smacking myself, I try to get myself in check. I need to leave him alone. After today, I will wait for him to decide when he's ready to talk to me.  
    "Lynnie,” he says. I watch his muscles ripple as he makes his way down the embankment. He slides a bit when he gets near me and I brace myself for him to fall, but it never happens. Instead, he catches himself and slowly inches to me. "Are you okay?" he asks, looking unsure.  
    "I can't put pressure on my leg. I hit it on a rock."  
    He squats down beside me and gently cleans the mud off my leg. "Shit, Lynnie. You never do anything half-assed, do you?” I don’t think that’s a compliment and, to be honest, it stings a little. I turn my head, trying to hide my embarrassment. He grabs my face with his forefinger and thumb, forcing me to look at him. "I didn’t mean anything by it." I nod and look away again.  
    He sighs. "Come on. Let’s get you out of here. Wrap your arms around my neck.” Without saying anything, I do as he says and let him pick me up. The moment his skin touches mine, I feel the familiar jolt of electricity that is still between us.  
    "You okay, Lyn?" he whispers.  
    "Yeah,” I say, blushing. How do you tell your estranged husband you still feel sparks when you touch ?
    He looks at me and smirks. "Lynnie, I know you better than that. Tell me." As we start to climb up the hill, I look at him.  
    "I just still feel the spark when we touch. I know it's stupid–”  
    "No, Lyn. I feel it, too."
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