Luxe Glamour (The Glamour Series Book 5)
“Want me to pick out a couple dresses you might like?”
    She nodded but didn’t turn her face toward me. Instead she stared at all those words in her big book. The hint of pink on her cheeks told me all I needed to know. I didn’t even need to ask. We could almost feel each other’s emotions. The ache deep in my chest told me that Ellen was hurting. She was embarrassed and confused. The twin who always got it right, who never had a problem, was struggling, and me beating her up about being a brainiac wasn’t helping.
    “Okay, I’ll call you when I’m ready.” I walked up the stairs toward what I loved and left Ellen behind with her musty books and torn-up nails.

Chapter 3
    “Yo, Trick!” Luis called from behind the swing-through gate that led to the greeting rooms at the adoption center. “I got your guys back here. You ready for them? Want me to bring them out?”
    “Yeah, sure thing. I’ll meet you at my truck.”
    Luis walked out the side door. Bullet lay in the crook of Luis’s arm all calm and nonchalant, but his tail gave away his excitement. He jerked his head up and his big eyes widened the closer that Luis got to my truck. He knew he was going someplace, and that was enough to get this Chihauahau-lhasa apso mix fired up. Dillon’s dog, Kong, was a one-of-a-kind dog and he could never be replaced, but I wanted a pup with just as much personality for Choo. Bullet was the perfect match. Carson, a shepherd mix, trotted next to Luis. This dog was smart and he was a pure athlete. Carson would fit with Jackson, plus Carson got along well with Bullet. Not all dogs were able to handle Bullet’s bossy nature.
    “You want them in the backseat?”
    “Yes, thanks. Make sure they’re strapped in.”
    I grabbed their pet carriers and put them in the bed of the truck. Most likely these guys wouldn’t be crated much but, hey, everybody liked to know they had a home and it was always best to travel with crates, just in case you needed one.
    “Bullet and Carson are going to love Choo,” Luis said with a smile on his face.
    “Who doesn’t love Choo?”
    Luis slapped the palm of my hand. Choo was a big character with a load of personality. The people at Pawtown were big fans of his.
    “Travel safe, brother.” Concern filtered through his eyes and I knew he was worried about my trip to L.A. Most of us two-footed creatures had traveled a rough and winding path before ending up here at Pawtown, and Luis was no exception. We all had stories. Luis’s road to Pawtown had been harder than mine. But we were here. A small group saving the world, one dog at a time. Pawtown was my pack and most everybody here knew about the problems I’d faced in L.A.
    “See you next week, Luis.” I slid behind the wheel of my truck and fired up the engine. My fingers tightened around the wheel. L.A. How long had it been since the last time I’d been there? The gravel popped beneath the tires of my truck as I drove down the long drive. I rolled down the window and rested my arm on the ledge. My belly tightened. Damn, I really was on my way to Los Angeles. I glanced into the rearview mirror. Carson was settled on the backseat with the dog seatbelt secured around him. Bullet sat up straight, as though he needed to see out the window and know where we were going. Tiny whines came from his throat. It was as if he knew he was leaving Pawtown and was going somewhere he’d never been before. He was scared.
    “Buddy, it’s okay. I promise you’re going to love it at Choo and Jackson’s house. I’m taking you to doggie paradise. Seriously, you couldn’t ask for a better home.”
    And that was the honest-to-God truth. There weren’t many people who loved animals as much as I did, but two of them were the brothers Dillon and Choo MacAvoy. Brothers who’d been raised on a farm and had transplanted to L.A. Dillon was a big action star now. They’d always remained grounded, even after they became very involved in the
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