Luxe Glamour (The Glamour Series Book 5)
from the fridge.
    “Ha, very funny. Everyone uses Adderall. Don’t tell me that you can study all the time without a boost of something.”
    “I don’t need a boost.” She popped open the Diet Coke and sucked it from the can. Couldn’t she at least use a glass? We weren’t animals. “Except for caffeine. You pay for that stuff, one way or another. You’re messing around with your sleep patterns and your brain chemistry and—”
    “Please. Everyone except you uses something. I’m fine.” I pulled out a glass, filled it with ice and set it on the table beside her pile of books. Just the idea of spending hours upon hours reading and highlighting and taking notes made me queasy. How did Ellen live like that? Why would she want to? She was just as beautiful as I was and yet she spent all her time in a library, a classroom, or an awful smelling hospital.
    My hand grasped the chair beside Ellen’s and I settled into the leather seat. “You know, Beverly asked if you’d ever want to do a photo spread with me.”
    The look on Ellen’s face made it unnecessary for her to utter a word. A raised eyebrow, her head tilted to the side, the corner of her lip curled upward—her entire face screamed that the idea of her doing a photo shoot was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard. “No.”
    “The three of us could do it. You, me, Rhett, the Legend kids.”
    “Aren’t you forgetting Amanda and Sterling?”
    “As if I could.” My gaze roamed across the room to a picture of all five of us kids at Amanda’s wedding. This photo had been taken after Rhett’s late arrival and before Rhett and Sterling beat the shit out of each other. “Okay the Legend-Delgado kids.”
    Ellen shook her head and opened her giant book. A dusty mildew smell filled the air. Yuck. Just yuck. Here was an opportunity to be seen by the entire world, loved by the masses, and Ellen would rather sit in a cold room under fluorescent light and read Latin words? How could we be identical twins?
    “Again, no.”
    “Really? A spread in Vogue and you simply say no.”
    “It’s not what I want. You and Rhett want the spotlight. I just want to be a doctor. The idea of a stranger taking photos of me? Seriously, Sophia, it gives me hives just thinking about it.”
    My chin settled onto my hand. Pressing Ellen now would get me nowhere. She’d come around. I always got my way. She’d eventually cave because Rhett and I would pick away at her until the only way she could get us to shut up would be to say yes.
    “I know that look and I won’t change my mind.”
    “Right. You don’t fool me.” She flipped a page in her book and picked up a yellow highlighter. The edge of her left hand was stained the same color from dragging it over her book. I just didn’t get it. And her fingernails? The skin around her nails was red and raw.
    “Oh my God, Ellen, look at your nails!”
    She tucked one hand under her thigh and chewed on the inside of her cheek.
    “I have exams.” Her face turned pink. She tore at the skin around her nails when she was stressed, but I hadn’t seen her cuticles look this bloody in years. “First year of med school isn’t easy.”
    “I guess not.” My heart ached a little. Why she had to become a doctor was beyond me. She could become a model, or work as a film producer with Sterling, or even get a job at Left Coast in the music industry, but instead she chose to go to medical school. Ugh. Give me a mani-pedi over an anatomy exam any time.
    “Sophia, we’re ready for you!” My stylist called from upstairs.
    I rested my hand on Ellen’s shoulder. “I’ll go first. You study.” If she got an hour with her books she’d be in a much better mood. I mean, she was going to help people when she became a doctor. She would save lives and do great things. Ellen liked to pretend that she had everything under control, but she didn’t. Her nails told me just how stressed she was. Bloody red cuticles. Poor Ellen.
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