“Motherfucker pushed me off the Brooklyn Bridge.”
“You know who.” Lars fighting the spasms in his chest.
“Somebody. Farrow why the hell were you doing the backstroke in the East River anyway?”
“What the hell were you doing jumping... I mean… getting thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge, Lars?”
“You know as well as I do that everything that doesn’t end in orgasm or death is just a hustle to write more. Writing lately?”
“ Lust Demented. ”
“I dig it.”
“That’s not the title.”
“It should be.”
“It is. I was just testing it out on you. What the fuck do you want? I’m washed up. I traded my last book for a murder rap and an invisible woman.”
“Could’ve been worse… you could’ve traded it for love.”
“That’s what I’m saying.”
“I got a new book too Farrow.”
“What’s it about?”
“The usual. I found a sacred spot to write it this time. The roof of the library on Forty-Deuce. I know a few of the guards there. They used to do security at The Featherton building. When they’re not working, I sneak in jewel-thief style. Write my ass off.”
“The spot to get it done.”
“I sit out on the ledge and leave my body behind. I turn into a gargoyle on the side of the building. A stone statue that nothing can harm. Same as my old man was, except he was more on the lines of Michelangelo’s Moses. Sitting proud… unashamed. Not lurching no matter how many motherfuckers were bashing at his knees with hammers and chisels.”
“Lars… your father…”
“Got what was coming to him. We all will. Be it just in death. I know you were the first one to find him Farrow. The whole city knows. Probably the entire fucking country. Maybe the world. In a few days when another gorgeous slaughter takes the headlines they’ll forget… but I won’t. All I want to know is if it makes you angry that someone else managed to take revenge before you even showed up?” Lars vocalized with a creepy inflection that summoned the serpents hiding under the Red Hook docks.
“I didn’t want revenge.”
“We all breathe evil.” Merciless, the night indiscriminately pelted on, keeping most everyone off the street.
“H AWAII TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED.” Lars dropped the hurt on me as we both stared at the factory wall. It was graffiti that some people could crawl into and find brightly colored love in a crumbling land.
“I don’t have anything to say about that Lars.”
“I’m sorry I never said anything. You were just sitting in Queens writing your new book Lust Demented or whatever the fuck it’s called… and…” Lar slunk back. The banshee harem got the best of him.
“I didn’t want to bring a kid into the world that the mother didn’t want. Honestly, it still tears through my heart.” Last I heard Missy had Hawaii end the pregnancy for her. The whole situation left me disabled for some time.
“Fucked that everybody knows, but you Farrow…” Lars took a deep breath and I figured that I better do the same. “A while back Hawaii told me that when Missy showed up for the abortion… she couldn’t go through with it. I guess Missy was crying buckets… she was only six weeks, but the hormones hit her already… you know all filled up with maternal emotions… and Hawaii isn’t good with that. As a rule she never operates on people she knows, but Missy kept pushing and pushing until she got her way. I think Hawaii was just trying to get Missy off the operating table and she said…” Lars looked authentically upset. We were both soaked from the river, but it was clear that his eyes were tearing up with mine.
“What… what could she have said that made a difference?”
“Hawaii told Missy to… Sorry Farrow I think you should talk to her yourself. She should tell you.”
“Lars I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t tell me.”
“Fuck you Farrow you don’t want to know… trust me.”
“Lars… sometimes