his little sister shopping money and just let her ride with anybody.
“We gon catch the bus to the metrolink and ride the metrolink there,” she replied.
“Well, the only way I’m giving you money is if you let me take you,” Notorious said back, the whole time his eyes were on Kyra.
“Okay bet! But u gotta buy me everything I want,” Carmen said with a big smile on her face. She knew she was about to rape her big brother’s pockets. It wasn’t like he didn’t have it to spend anyway. Notorious didn’t care; he just wanted to get closer to Kyra. The four of them finished eating, cleaned Grams’ kitchen, and headed out the front door.
Chapter 3
Rashad “Whack” Smalls Jr. grew up in a quiet neighborhood in North County of St. Louis MO. He was raised in a home with both parents who were married. His parents were interracial couple. His mom was Korean and Indian and his dad was African American. Rashad Sr. was a well-known drug dealer from the streets, but he did his best at keeping it away from his family. Rashad Jr. was an only child, and he was very spoiled. He attended private school and was a straight A student. He even played lacrosse and baseball, and he was very good at both. His mother was a nurse at DePaul Hospital, which was located just a few blocks from their house. Every time Rashad didn’t have school or played hooky, him and his father went and had lunch with her. They were what you would call “the perfect family”. They had play dates, date night, movie night, and game night every week. Rashad Sr. even made sure he came home every night to tuck his son in and read him a bed time story with his wife. If he had any runs to make, they would have to wait until after. When Rashad was 9, his life drastically changed for the worse. His father was found brutally murdered due to a drug deal gone bad. The police never found who did it. They had no evidence, no witnesses, nothing. The case was cold. After his father’s funeral, his mother went into deep depression. She didn’t talk or eat, she didn’t even leave the house. She didn’t clean up, cook, or bathe. She even ignored him most of the time. All she did was drink, cry, and took prescription pain medication. Over time, instead of his mother getting better she got worse. She was so addicted to the pain meds that they weren’t doing the job anymore. She then graduated to heroin. Rashad used to witness his mother shoot up on a regular. Sometimes she was even bold enough to ask him to hold the tie so she could find a good vein. He never did though, he hated to see his mother poison herself. Everything going on took a toll on young Rashad. With his mother being strung out and his father being dead, he had to learn to fend for himself. He began to steal, rob, and even kill to get the things he needed. When Rashad was 11, he came home and found his mother dead on the kitchen floor. She had overdosed. She still had the tie around her arm with the needle sticking out, and her eyes wide open. Rashad was so angry and filled with rage he couldn’t even cry. He didn’t bother to call the police or ambulance. He knew that if he did he was going straight to foster care. He’d rather take his chances surviving on his own. Rashad had no one he could call on. Both sets of his grandparents were dead, and he had no uncle or aunts because both his parents were an only child just like him. It was just him against the cold world. Rashad ran to his room and grabbed the biggest duffel bag he could find. He stuffed it with as many outfits and shoes as possible. He then rambled and tore the house up from top to bottom looking for cash. He found $634.34. In the process of looking for money, he found a .357 magnum handgun his mother kept under her mattress. Rashad put the gun in the duffel bag with his clothes. Once he had everything he headed for the door, but before leaving he kneeled down kissed his mother on her cold forehead and told her he