Lovers Premiere (Kimani Romance)
or even having her love life splattered across the pages of every tabloid across America. Growing up, Rachel wanted nothing to do with the spotlight so of course life dealt her a hand where she’d fallen in love with the hottest star on television. But when push came to shove, love triumphed.
    Rachel glowed like a woman in love and Sofia was surprised to feel a prick of envy. That was unlike her too since she truly wanted the world for her baby sister. And if there was anyone who could give her the world, it was Ethan. Her future brother-in-love was a rarity in this city: a genuinely good man who valued family.
    â€œI got to get Sarah back here pronto or I’m going topull out every strand of hair on my head dealing with Stewart.”
    Rachel laughed and started up the car. “Sounds like you’ve finally met your match with Ramell Jordan.”
    Sofia’s eyes nearly rolled out the back of her head on that. “Puh-lease. That’ll be the day.”
    Rachel glanced over at the passenger seat while Sofia hooked her Bluetooth on her ear and started powering up her iPad. “What’s the deal between you and Ramell anyway? You act like the man is our sworn enemy or something.”
    â€œThere’s no deal. Trust me. I just have to put up with him until Uncle Jacob comes to his senses. And I hope to hell it’s soon because the two of us in one office isn’t going to work.” She tapped her ear and immediately transitioned into her professional voice. “Hello, Akil. It’s Sofia. How’s it going? Are you and Charlene going to make it to the award ceremony this weekend?”
    â€œYou know it,” Akil Hutton boasted. “My first nomination for that joint I produced with Pit Bull. I’m all over it, baby.” Akil and his label Playascape were the hottest players in the game at the moment and Sofia was thrilled that her newest client, and Rachel’s best friend, Charlene Quinn’s debut CD was going to drop this spring on the label. Then the surprise of all surprises; while Charlene was down at Akil’s Miami home studio she won the mega-producer’s heart and landed an engagement ring.
    â€œGood. I trust you’re bringing Charlene?”
    â€œOf course. Every man needs someone gorgeous on their arms. In my case it’s going to be my beautiful fiancée.”
    Sofia felt another twinge of jealousy, but she covered it by saying, “That’s great. I can’t wait to see you both there. Make sure you swing by the pre-award ceremony. Maybe we can set it up for Charlene to do a set. Give the people in Las Vegas a little teaser of what’s to come.”
    â€œYeah. Yeah. We can make it do what it do,” he laughed.
    â€œGood deal. Catch you later. You can reach me on my cell if you need anything.” Sofia tapped her ear and rushed to finish her fourth counteroffer to Larry Franklin for Ethan’s next contract.
    Rachel shook her head. “Does your brain have an Off switch?”
    â€œNot that I’m aware of,” she laughed, but then suddenly experienced a wave of vertigo. “Oh, no.” She pressed a hand against the side of her head.
    â€œWhat’s the matter?” Rachel asked, glancing back over at her sister.
    â€œNothing. I’m…I guess I just got a little dizzy there.”
    â€œAre you sure you’re all right? Do I need to pull over?”
    â€œDon’t you dare. I have to make this flight. I’m probably just dizzy because I skipped breakfast. I’ll grab something on the plane.” Her finger went back to zooming across the tablet on her lap.
    Rachel went back to shaking her head. “Did you get your prescription filled?”
    Sofia looked over at her.
    â€œUncle Jacob told me,” she said, answering the unspoken question.
    â€œFigures. I love him dearly, but lately I swear the man is trying to run my life.”
    Rachel shook her head. “He’s just
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