Lovers Premiere (Kimani Romance)
touchdown in a Super Bowl game. Hips shakingand arms waving, she couldn’t wait to see the look on Ram’s face when she told him that Sarah wouldn’t be available to compile him her prized client list and she’d changed the pass code to ensure that no one else could generate the list, either.
    â€œI feel bad that I don’t have any cash on me so I can make it rain up in here.”
    Sofia jumped and spun around to see her new boss leaning against her door frame. “What are you doing in here?”
    â€œWell I was enjoying the show. I think you missed your calling. You should’ve been a dancer.”
    â€œAnd you should have been a jerk. Oops! I forgot. You are a jerk.” She rolled her eyes and marched to her desk. “Now if you’re finished annoying me…I’m busy.”
    â€œBusy getting that list together, I hope.”
    Sofia cocked a smile. “Tell you what. Why don’t you hold your breath and just wait for it?”
    â€œAll right. Five o’clock.” He tapped his watch.
    â€œI’m not sure if that time frame is going to work for me,” she said, flashing him a smile. “I’m really very busy, so you’re going to have to wait for Sarah to prepare it.”
    He glanced over his shoulder to Sarah’s empty desk.
    â€œBut don’t bother looking for her. She’s on vacation…for a while.”
    â€œAww. Well that was awfully nice of you, seeing how you work her about as hard as you work yourself.”
    â€œThank you, vice president,” Sofia said, before adding under her breath, “of the peanut gallery.” She motioned for him to leave her office. “Now if you don’t mind.”
    He didn’t move. “Well, I hope Sarah has fun wherever she’s going. I’m so glad I got her to compile that list before she went.”
    â€œWhat? You did what? When?”
    â€œAfter our meeting while you were in the office with Jacob.”
    Sofia’s jaw nearly hit her desk.
    â€œYou know, I see why she works for you. She’s fast and efficient.” Ram winked at her. “I’ll review it and get back to you.” And with that he strolled off, whistling.

Chapter 4
    T he Latin Grammy Awards were being hosted in Las Vegas. Limelight Entertainment Management represented a number of Afro-Latin musicians that were nominated for everything from Best New Artist to Best Latin Album of the Year. The awards were always held in November—a good six months after the crazy award season in Los Angeles. It doesn’t mean that it was any less hectic—and this year it was doubly so for Sofia because she had foolishly sent her assistant on vacation and she was dealing with a temp, Stewart, that seemed permanently hyped-up on caffeine, had dyslexia when it came to writing down numbers, and had a habit of dropping more calls than a crummy cell phone provider.
    If there was one silver lining to this dark cloud, it would have to be that she had managed to avoid RamellJordan for the past seven days. How on earth her uncle thought she was going to be able to control her blood pressure with him around, she never knew.
    After Stewart screwed up with Armani on which date she needed her awards dress to be delivered and failed to mail out an e-vite to the nominees for Limelight’s pre-award private party, Sofia’s patience was pretty much ready to snap when the car that was supposed to take her to the airport never showed up.
    â€œWhat the hell? Did he think I was supposed to hitch a ride?” Sofia yelled, rushing to throw her bags in the back of her sister’s car.
    â€œCalm down,” Rachel said, laughing. “It’s all good. I don’t mind dropping you off at the airport.”
    Ever since her engagement to Ethan Chambers, it seemed like nothing bothered Rachel anymore; not the drama of working on the set of Paging the Doctor or the hectic pace of putting a wedding together
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