Love Everlasting (Isle of Hope series Book 2)

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Book: Love Everlasting (Isle of Hope series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julie Lessman
something and better than I’ve ever felt before.”
    “Yes, but for how long?”
    He blinked at her, then looked away. “Long enough.”
    “Until she’s gone?” she whispered.
    She had her answer when his jaw went rigid.
    “That’s how it was with me, too,” she said softly, gaze trailing into a faraway stare. “The sun only seemed to shine when I was with him.” A wispy sigh drifted out as she finally looked up, so very grateful to a God Who had opened her eyes. A faint smile lighted upon her lips as peace lighted upon her soul. “Until I learned it rose every single day with or without him. Sometimes blindingly bright, sometimes dark and dim, but always there, rain or shine.” She took a sip of her coffee, flashing a smile to steer the conversation out of the gloom. “So tell me, Dr. Cunningham, just why are you the guy that Jasmine needs?”
    He grinned and sat back, hands braced behind his neck in a relaxed pose that displayed an impressive bulge of biceps. “It’s not obvious?”
    Her smile swerved. “A wise man once said ‘charm is deceitful and beauty fades,’ so you gotta give me more to go on than that.”
    He flashed some teeth. “Charm and beauty, huh? Well, I’ll take it, Miss O’Bryen, although I would have preferred tall and handsome.”
    “‘Vanity of vanities; all is vanity,’” she quoted, remembering well how much that lesson had cost her. She dipped her head to peer up, lips pursed in a patient smile. “Hate to break it to you, Doc, but as superficial as we women seem when ogling hot guys, most of us crave way more than a pretty face. And if we don’t, then we’re likely more shallow than the relationship.”
    He squinted at her. “You don’t pull any punches, do you?”
    She shrugged. “No reason to. I’m a bottom-liner out of pure self-preservation. I was deeply wounded by charm and beauty, so surface things like that don’t even make the cut anymore. I tend to bypass most of it to get right to the point.” She absently scraped her lip with her teeth, a hint of apology in her eyes. “No matter how sharp that point may be.”
    “And here I thought you were the soft and vulnerable twin.”
    She grinned. “Used to be.” Her smile faded as she veered off into a distant stare. “Till the truth shattered my world, almost taking my life with it.”
    He paused for several seconds, then cleared his throat, peering up beneath the darkest, thickest lashes she’d ever seen on a man. The tenderness in his gaze was so real and intense, it stuttered her pulse. “You know, I barely know you, Shannon, except for snippets here and there I’ve gleaned from Jack, but for some reason I wince inside hearing that. I don’t know—it’s just harder to see pain devastate someone soft and shy like you, who seems to have an innate gentleness about her.”
    Her mouth quirked. “Except during detox and discussions of depth?”
    “Yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck, smile sheepish. “Except then.”
    “Well, then, see?” Hopping up, she grabbed both of their empty cups and took them to the sink. “There’s our first plus as to why Jasmine needs you—your empathy and compassion, Dr. Cunningham. But don’t waste it on me, please. That same truth that shattered my world was also what finally set me free.” Glancing at her watch, she was completely shocked that two hours had already passed since they’d arrived. She tossed a glance over her shoulder. “More coffee?”
    “No, thanks. Your mission is to put me to sleep, remember? Not hype me up so I call a cab and go back out.” He squinted at the ceiling as if trying to remember something. “‘You shall … know the truth ... and it shall set you free.’”
    She chuckled while she rinsed the dirty dishes and put them in the dishwater, returning with a dishrag to wipe off the table. “Ah, a man who knows Scripture—now there’s a plus in the ‘Jasmine Needs’ column. A show of faith—I’m impressed.”
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