Love Everlasting (Isle of Hope series Book 2)

Love Everlasting (Isle of Hope series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Love Everlasting (Isle of Hope series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julie Lessman
the breeze. “Gosh, Shan, go for the jugular, why don’t you?” He flaunted his dimples. “Not just sober and sensible, but point blank and precise too.”
    Tipping her head, she arched her brows in challenge, far more interested in facts than flirtation. “The jugular veins drain blood from the head to the heart, Dr. Cunningham, as you well know, so the answers to your heartache are most likely in the brain.”
    He squinted as if seeing her in a whole new light, lips parted in an open-mouthed smile tinged with annoyance despite a hint of respect. “Well, well, looks like somebody’s been spending her Saturday nights curled up with Jack’s anatomy book instead of the real thing.”
    She blinked, completely caught off-guard by his jab. Rising, she reached for his empty plate with a weary expulsion of air. She wasn’t about to be target practice for some clueless player who’d rather coddle his pride than his heart. Nope, it was definitely time to go.
    “Wait …” Eyes naked with regret, he gripped her wrist, startling her so much, the plate dropped to the table with a thud. “Don’t leave,” he whispered, a sobriety in his manner she hadn’t thought he possessed. “I’m a horse’s behind, Shannon, and I’m sorry I sniped at you like that.” He gently grazed her wrist with his thumb before letting go, gaze fused to hers as he picked up her plate. “Stay and talk. Please?”
    He lumbered up to collect his, too, then dumped them both in the sink. Returning to top off their coffee, he nodded at her empty seat while she stood stock-still. “Come on, sit—please? I’m interested in what you have to say,” he said quietly, his hand shaking as he poured.
    Arms barricaded to her chest, she silently studied him through wary eyes, miffed when her heart softened at the tug of his plea.
    When she didn’t move, he splayed a hand to his chest with a boyish smile, brown eyes so mesmerizing, they melted her resistance. “If I promise to behave?”
    A trace of a smile tugged at her lips as she delivered a mock glare. “Behave? I’m not sure you can even define it, Doc, much less do it, but since patience is a byproduct of sober and sensible, you’re in luck.”
    He grinned as he pulled out her chair. “Yes, I am, Miss O’Bryen, and Jack tells me you’re a teacher, so I’m just glad there are no pointers or rulers around. Third grade, I believe?”
    Tempering her smile, she slid into her chair with a fold of her hands on the table. “Yes, so as you can see, I’m completely qualified to deal with the likes of you.”
    “That appears more than obvious,” he said, plopping back into his seat, the barest hint of mischief peeking through that same adorable hooligan guilt she saw in her eight-year-old male students. “Okay, then.” Huffing out a heavy sigh, he folded his hands on the table like her, his humor slowly dissolving into a quiet vulnerability she suspected few people ever saw. “I can’t exactly explain in concrete terms why Jasmine is the one because it’s more of a rightness I feel when we’re together—like we’re a perfect fit.”
    Closing his eyes, he propped elbows to the table to massage his temples with the heels of his hands, face pinched as if striving to make sense of it all. “It sounds crazy, I know, but it’s kind of like slipping on a perfectly tailored Armani suit, you know?” He peered up, face scrunched while he struggled to put his feelings into words. “It’s so smooth and comfortable, you feel like a different person. Like when I slide into my Vette or walk into my townhouse after a long day, there’s this sense of significance, value … order, even, that makes everything right in my world.”
    She released a quiet sigh, something cramping in her chest. “Don’t be angry with me, Sam, but those things sound like trappings to me,” she said quietly, “not love.”
    He glanced up, mouth tamped in a firm line. “Maybe, but it makes me feel whole, Shannon, worth
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