Look After Us
if I don’t exist. Ashton, however, turns his attention to me, smiling his sexy smile, his hand resting on my thigh.
    “This beautiful woman right here. This is Ava.”
    Her eyes finally land on me, and for a split second I see the look of surprise in her eyes. After a moment she finally speaks.
    “Hey, Ava,” she says with a huge smile, which seems a little too fake if you ask me. “When’s the big day?”
    “We haven’t picked a date yet, but we’re not in any rush.” I beam my smile at Ashton whose fingers tighten affectionately against my leg.
    “Yeah, we don’t want to take the limelight from dickweed now, do we?” He smirks at his brother who, in turn, throws a freshly sliced lemon from his glass of lemonade at Ashton’s face. It misses his face completely and pathetically drops by my feet. “No, but seriously, we want to wait until Lily-Mai get’s a little older. So maybe next summer.”
    “Lily-Mai? Is that your daughter?” Riley asks Ashton with a fond smile. Not me. Ashton. Yep. I already don’t like this girl.
    “No, she’s Ava’s daughter, but I love her like she’s my own.” My heart skips a beat at his amazing words.
    “So, any plans for more children?”
    I shift in my seat at her question, my back rod-straight as tension soars through my body. I’ve known this woman for a matter of minutes and already she’s asked one of the most difficult questions a person can ask me. Just her asking that question makes me dislike her even more.
    The thought of having any more children after almost losing Lily-Mai is terrifying. I couldn’t bear to go through the ordeal again with another child. I thought having more children was impossible—physically—but after numerous tests, my OB/GYN confirmed that I still have the ability to carry a child. There are some added risk factors—more so than with a normal pregnancy—but I can have more children if I want to. I just … don’t know if I’m strong enough to go through with another pregnancy.
    I go to speak, to tell her to mind her own business, when Ashton stops me in my tracks before I can do so. And like the savior that he is, knowing just how uncomfortable I am, he changes the subject completely. “So what have you girls got planned for today?”
    I breathe a sigh of relief when Riley seemingly forgets about her previous question and excitedly begins to tell us all the bachelorette plans for this afternoon, which consists of having medi-pedis, dinner, and cocktails.
    “So, no strippers?” Ashton says with a glint of hope in his eyes. I roll my eyes, stifling a giggle.
    “No. That’s tomorrow night.”
    “Please tell me you’re kidding?” Mia blurts out, horrified. And by the look of the alpha-male glare coming from Ashton, he isn’t too thrilled with the idea either.
    “Yes, I’m kidding!” Riley sputters with laughter. “We’re celebrating low-key, just like you asked. No strippers, no pole dancing … just a boring old bachelorette party.”
    “But I’m having strippers, right?” Tyler asks Ashton with a mischievous grin on his face.
    Mia smacks his chest causing a grunt to expel from his mouth, along with a chuckle. “Like hell you are!” she exclaims.
    “Yeah, bud …” Ashton begins with a wicked smile. “With what I have planned for tomorrow night, the only person who will be stripping is you .”
    Everyone around the table bursts out with laughter, leaving Tyler staring daggers at his brother. “Do your worst, asshat. Do your worst. But don’t forget, whatever you dish at me, you’ll get twice as much when it’s your wedding.”
    Ashton crookedly smiles at Tyler. “Is that a threat, dickweed?”
    “You bet your ass it is.”
    “Those are big words for a little boy,” Ashton goads, obviously wanting to get a reaction from his brother.
    “Fuck you, asshole,” Tyler says with an arrogant grin. His grin is suddenly wiped from his face when Alana smacks him across the head.
    “You may be getting married in
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