Let Me Be the One

Let Me Be the One Read Online Free PDF

Book: Let Me Be the One Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lily Foster
were flying.  Mac landed a few good ones to Nick’s face and then pushed him down to the ground with ease, “Nick, you’re such a fucking loser.  You think your girl likes it when you fight over Darcy?  Get a fucking grip.” 
    When the dust settled, I saw Mac looking around for Darcy but I knew, from past experience, she’d probably already bailed.  I took off running and caught up to her just as she was opening her back sliding glass door.  “Are you okay?”
    Her back was to me.  She lowered her head and shot back sarcastically, “Oh, you care?”
    “Please,” I came up close behind her and put my hands on her waist, “please look at me.”
    When she turned around I saw her eyes wet with tears that I wanted to kiss away.  She hung her head again, “ I think I shouldn’t have come back.  I can’t take another year like this.”
    I wanted to scoop her up, take her to bed, and just hold her.  I lowered my face so that we were eye to eye and I cupped her chee ks in my hands.  “No, Darcy.” 
    These were the only words I could get out before Mac came running up behind us out of breath.  She took a step backing away from me then.  “Hey, there you are.  Why did you take off? He’s a douchebag, Darcy.  Don’t let him ruin the night.  Come o n, let’s go hit another party.”
    She flashed him a smile and said, “Thanks Mac, but I’m heading to bed.  That was enough drama for one night for me.  Good night, guys.”
    When she closed the door Mac honed in on me, “What was going on there, bro?”
    I felt my hands reflexively fist at my sides as I turned to him. “Stay away from her, Mac.”
    He put his hands up, palms towards me, “Relax, Tom.  Are you with her?  If you are I’ll back off but if you’re not then don’t go pulling that same possessive shit that Nick does, ok?  I’ll ask you again, are you with her?”
    I had nothing to say.  I shoved my hands in my poc kets, just turned and walked away.
    D arcy
    Another Sunday, another long run to process all the bullshit from the night before and another day cooking my problems away. 
    Today Beth was my kitchen sidekick and roast chicken was on the menu.  She and I yapped while we made the stuffing, peeled the potatoes, and cut up the veggies. 
    I really couldn’t eat much of the cafeteria food, it was greasy and gross.  But the real reason I did this was that having a big Sunday dinner reminded me of cooking in the kitchen at home with my mo m and I was always happy there.
    “So,” Beth started in cautiously, “are we going to talk about the massive brawl over you last night?  Oh, what I would give to have Mac and Nick slugging it out over me.  That was hot !”
    “Really? That was so not hot Beth.”
    “Darcy, Mac looked like he would have killed for you and he is seriously beau tiful.  If I wasn’t with Marcus…oh what I could do with that boy.”
    “You’re full of it, Beth.  You love Marcus.  But last night was just...I just want to fly under the radar. All of it…Nick…that last year. It was all too much.”
    She looked at me wi th understanding. “I hear you.”
    Then, speak of the devil himself, Nick knocked once and then walked right in the door like he owned the place.  He looked to me and then looked down at his sneaker that he was repeatedly digging into the carpet.  “Can I talk to you Darcy? I just want to apologize.” 
    Beth stared at him, eyes wide.  She checked with me and when I nodded, she headed upstairs.  He sat down across from me and put his head down as he raked his hands through his hair.  “I am sorry, Darcy.  I fucked up again.”  He paused and then looked up at me, pleadingly. “I don’t want you to feel weird around me.  I want you to be happy but I still really want you to be happy and be with me.”  When I didn’t say anything he went on, “I know that’s not what you want but it’s still hard.”
    I felt a mixture of sadness and anger.  “Nick, I
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