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Book: Legacy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Kaynak
tinges of impudence whenever I called Dr. Williamson “Jon.” It’d be only a little weirder to call my mom “Nina,” like the rest of them did. I’d never tried, though. That wouldn’t go over too well.
    “You knew about this?”
    He nodded. “I was with Maddie when she figured it out.”
    My mom frowned. She didn’t like to think about our “special connection,” although she understood that Trevor and I had no secrets from each other. “Well, if I have to avoid the other minders for a while, you’ll need to go up and take care of any new arrivals today.”
    I sighed. I avoided welcome-wagon duty whenever I could—the whole speaking-into-minds thing creeped some people out.
    So much for feeding each other grapes in the sun.
    Trevor and I got to our feet, picking up the empty plates and mugs as we went. At least my mom was taking Rachel’s privacy concerns seriously. She’d taken to telepathy like a natural—which I guess she was. I guess we both were.
    I pulled a mental shield around Trevor and me as the main building came into sight. Drew flashed us a big smile and a wave as we passed then returned to the controls of one of the helicopters, weaving and dodging to avoid Grant and Ellen’s combined ability. Most sparks now could suppress the engines and cause the copters to stall. A few could grab the combustible parts and rip the machines out of the sky. Something steely-hard inside me gave a grim little nod of satisfaction.
    Anyone who comes here to hurt us will get what they deserve.
    I started to glow before we got up to the main house and Rachel came around the corner and met my gaze. I met her halfway and, after a moment, self-consciously placed an arm around her. I didn’t know how else to respond to the emotional whiplash. First, she felt terrified, then giddy, then embarrassed, then freaked out, then angry, and then a wave of grief hit her. By the time I’d framed something to say, she was onto a different reaction and my half-formed mental words were inappropriate, so I just stood there and hoped that the arm-thing was enough.
    Trevor hung back slightly, hesitant and ill at ease. A question formed in his mind—the question that was so central to his own life-long anxieties.
    Does she want to keep the baby?
    What would Rachel do? I’d always been pro-choice—it just seemed wrong to force a woman to go through a pregnancy against her will. Since meeting Trevor, though, I’d felt my convictions become shakier. A single decision by a scared teenager nineteen years ago could’ve removed this amazing person from the world and that idea sickened me. I had no right to have an opinion here—it was Rachel’s choice—but I knew which decision I wanted her to make. Maybe it was selfish and wrong of me to even have an opinion.
    Well, being selfish and wrong never stopped me before.
    Williamson’s concerns flashed through my mind. What if the baby wasn’t developing right? I couldn’t say anything to Rachel right now. She had so much to deal with!
    Multicolored waves of emotion tumbled through her mind, overflowing her ability to process them. She’d lost the man she loved; her uncle had been murdered; she’d been repeatedly assaulted; and now she faced an unplanned pregnancy. It was too much—she couldn’t handle it alone.
    But she wasn’t alone.
    Hey, I’m here. I’m here for you. You’re not alone. I didn’t know why I, of all people, would be particularly comforting, but I was here and I knew she needed someone. I guess I was better than nothing.
    Rachel sniffed, trying to pull herself together. Her quick breaths were gasping, half-crying sounds, like she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Above us, I felt Williamson’s mental touch as he took in the situation. Questions for me began to form in his mind.
    Not now, Jon . My shield had gone down when I’d first spoken to Rachel. The secret I’d been protecting was already out—Rachel’s turbulent thoughts had broadcast it
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