
Legacy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Legacy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Kaynak
for me, she didn’t want to talk about it. I wasn’t going to push—well, anymore than I already had by putting a pregnancy test in her room last night.
    I looked at the bagel in front of me; it didn’t appeal. The bowl of grapes was on the other side of Trevor. His hands were full with his own coffee and bagel, so I concentrated, telekinetically picked a single grape, and lifted it back to my mouth. My “turns” with Trevor had improved my skills with his borrowed ability.
    Hey, that’s my job! He smiled and invisibly picked another grape. I leaned back against the rock, shedding my sweatshirt to use as a pillow. Trevor stretched out along my side, propping himself on one elbow to watch me. He fed me another grape, his unseen fingers lingering against my lips. I concentrated again and did the same for him.
    Think we can just stay here for a little while and feed each other grapes? I asked. I don’t want to deal with any of them for a while .
    Absolutely. If anyone tries to bother you, I’ll splash them until they go away. A wall of water shot out from the surface of the lake next to us, drenching the tree trunks along the shore.
    I was about to try telekinetically splashing a wall of water myself, but we suddenly felt my mother coming toward us. Trevor’s smile melted away, and his moral dilemma made me laugh. Don’t worry. You don’t have to drench my mom for me.
    Whew, he joked, but his relief was genuine. He really did want her approval.
    “Maddie? Honey? Where are you?”
    Mom, we’re over here. I sent her a little image of the path. We sat up before she came into view. I already knew I no longer had to shield my thoughts—my mom’s mind practically shouted her dismay. She’d walked past Rachel in the hall of Blake House this morning and she’d looked upset. Concerned, my mom had “accidentally” brushed against her arm and had gotten a mindful, most of which spilled out of her right now. Rachel hadn’t taken the pregnancy test, but she had been full of the Oh, my God realization that such a test was necessary.
    That’s pretty uncool, Mom. I can’t help overhearing other people’s private thoughts, but you can. Rachel HATES having people in her mind like that. You not only peeping-tommed her head, but now you’re leaking it to every minder in range.
    She ignored my rebuke. “I just need to know—the test was never for you, right?”
    No, Mom, it wasn’t for me. But you can’t tell Jon or Seth or anyone. You’re not able to shield your thoughts, so you need to avoid them for a day or two. You’re broadcasting the details of Rachel’s intimate life all over right now. It’s none of your business. It’s none of their business.
    “It affects everyone here. Jon and Seth need to know.”
    Doctor-patient confidentiality, Mom. Think about something else. Go hang out with the sparks or something. Or Ann! Ann won’t hear anything from you since she’s not taking the meds anymore. If there’s anything to tell, let Rachel do it when she’s ready.
    “That’s why you were shielding this morning?”
    Yeah. I can’t stay out of other people’s heads, but I CAN keep their secrets.
    My mom gave me a searching look. Is Maddie becoming so responsible and self-sacrificing that she’d take the fall to protect her friend? Or is she just being a sneaky, lying, difficult teenager?
    I felt her anger and disappointment evaporate as warmth filled her gaze. Something in my chest unclenched.
    Okay, she knows you pretty well, too, Trevor thought to me.
    My mom’s eyes flicked to him, sensing that he’d thought something to me but unable to make out what it was, since he wasn’t minder-loud. She’d been furious with him this morning, and now she had to dislodge that particular piece of emotional décor.
    “Trevor.” She gave him a nod.
    “Hi, Nina.” Since my mom’s arrival, she’d gotten us all to switch to first names. We just interacted too intensely for formality. I still felt strange little
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