Just You

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Book: Just You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jane Lark
    I looked up and saw Justin standing, diagonally to me, on the other side of our block of desks. He lifted his phone a little. Probably telling me to answer.
    I smiled, then looked down to text.
    ‘My boring day in the office.’
    ‘:-) Cool as long as there is nothing wrong.’
    ‘There’s nothing wrong.’
    The guy had a sweet streak. How come I had never seen that before? I’d watched him befriend the new starter, Jason, back in the summer, and while Becky, Crystal and I were on good terms, he and Jason had been really thick… Like always talking…
    He went over to the kitchen, probably to get a coffee. I watched him again. I loved the way he walked. Was that a crazy thing? To like the way a guy walked…
    Watching how he walked had the quivering feeling tickling in my belly too.
    ‘Do you want a coffee?’
    He texted me. I couldn’t see him. He was in the kitchen.
    ‘Yeah, thank you.’
    ‘It’ll be with you in a moment. Ma’am.’
    ‘:-) Just thought it might make you laugh.’
    My lips lifted in a closed lip smile and a chuckle of amusement tickled in my throat. I really liked him now. How come that had happened?
    I set Portia’s coffee down on her desk. It was the fourth day I’d made her coffee. She looked up at me, giving me one of those tight-lipped smiles of hers that implied she still knew I was way beneath her on the social ladder but she was thinking about letting me climb up the rungs a little. I went back to the kitchen for Becky’s and Crystal’s coffee. Yeah, I had started making them all drinks, so it didn’t stand out that I made Portia one. They thought it was my New Year’s resolution; to suck up and make them coffee. ‘Course they hadn’t actually picked up on the fact that I always gave Portia hers first. ‘Cause she was the hottest girl and the one I was chasing. Mildly. It was no big deal if our texting and coffee-making went nowhere at all–but equally, if it went somewhere… Well, I’d quite like to have another New Year’s Eve pool moment with her.
    And she did keep texting me. Only about stupid stuff but she wasn’t cutting me.
    “Hey, did you see this?” I caught sight of Becky dropping a magazine on Portia’s desk, folded back, to show Portia something on a particular page.
    When I came back with Becky and Crystal’s coffees, all of them were clustered around Portia’s desk, jawing in catty voices about some celebrity gossip in the magazine, cutting some poor famous woman down to shreds for having put on a few pounds, laughing at the before and after picks.
    I don’t know. I mean, I liked Portia, physically. She was seriously attractive. But her bit-of-a-British accent and her tipped-up-chin-and-nose, saying I’m-better-than-you-back-off, gave her a hard edge that was cutting. Maybe there was something there or maybe there wasn’t. She was brittle really. She had a personality that was like stone. Was she really interested in me? Would I be interested in that?
    She glanced up before I could turn away and caught me staring at her. There was a really tiny twitch at the edge of her lips. Then she looked back down.
    Shit, that little twitch in her lips made me feel a little twitch in my cock, running through my nerves. Lust gripped hard in my middle, as if a sudden punch winded me. Yeah. I could overlook her similarity to stone. Maybe it would be fun to go up against such a hard edge in a bed anyway.
    I caught Justin’s eyes widening, and his lips tipped sideways just before he turned away. The smile that had involuntarily come at the side of my lips spread. There was something going on. I was sure he was making a play for me. Every day he made me coffee, but he made it for Becky and Crystal too. Yet he always brought my cup back first, put it down, and then went back for theirs. He was up to something. Becky said something and Crystal laughed. I laughed a little too, though I hadn’t heard what she’d said, my eyes and my attention
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