Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)
Laney away from him.
    Tina stepped in front of her and pointed her
finger at him. “For your information, that girl is my niece.
She has a name and it’s Laney.”
    “ Well you need to keep Laney in here and out of the barn. She almost got stepped on by a horse.
I don’t have time to entertain her, or make sure that doesn’t
    Fear replaced her anger, and Tina guessed she
shouldn’t have let her go out there alone when she asked if it was
okay. Tina didn’t know a damned thing about ranches or areas that
might be dangerous here.
    “ Fine. I’ll watch her closer. I’m
sorry she bothered you.” Tina turned away from the man she was fast
seeing was a big bully. But not really in this situation. He was
right, there were large animals out there, and Laney was only six.
She could have gotten hurt. Tina felt like the incompetent guardian
he had all but accused her of being.
    She took two steps but his gruff growly voice
stopped her. “I’m not done.” Tina turned back toward him and raised
a brow. “Who the hell is driving that piece of shit black
    “ My assistant,” Tina replied
haughtily, crossing her arms over her chest.
    “ It’s blocking my truck and I need
to go to the feed store.”
    “ Daddy can I go to the feed store
with you?” a little red-haired boy about the same age as Laney
asked as he nudged his way past Dean into the doorway.
    “ No. Jeremy. Go find your grandma
and tell her I’m leaving for a little while,” he said with
frustration in every line of his big body. “I don’t have time to
deal with you right now either.”
    The little boy’s face fell, and his eyes
dropped to the toes of his scuffed up boots. “I’m sorry,
    “ He can stay here with us,” Tina
offered, feeling damned sorry for the little boy. It seemed like
nobody was given a pass from Dean Dixon’s surly attitude. Not even
his own son. “He’ll keep Laney entertained.”
    “ Like you watched Laney this
morning?” Dean asked nastily. “I don’t think so. Jeremy, go find
your grandma, and stay up at the house until I get back.” The kid
nodded, and walked past his father onto the porch. Dean looked back
at her. “I need that car moved now.”
    Tina shook her head, and turned to go find
Belinda who was in the bedroom laying out clothes for the shoot.
“I’ll get the keys.”
    Dean Dixon might be one of the best looking
men that Tina had seen in a long time, but he was also the most
snarly and sour. It was no wonder his wife had left him. According
to Hope, that had happened three years ago and Dean had been bitter
ever since. Well Mr. Dixon needed to focus that bitterness on the
person who caused his pain, not the world in general, definitely
not his son. Just like Laney deserved better from her mother, that
kid deserved better from his father.
    Working with him on this project became less
and less appealing.
    Maybe he wasn’t her Texas Tomcat. That
imaginary man would never be rude to his kid like that. He was a
genuine cowboy and cowboys just didn’t do that. They were
good-hearted men who loved kids and animals. And they treated women
with respect.
    Her eyes traveled over Dean Dixon’s firm body,
his square jaw with the beard scruff. But he sure looked like a
real cowboy, and he was the best bet she had for getting that
promotion. In the photos nobody would be able to tell that he was
an asshole of the first order. They would just see an alpha male
with experience who looked good in a pair of blue jeans. Hope was a
damned good photographer, and she knew this man. She could find his
good side. If he had one. Tina was starting to doubt
    If she could even convince him to do it. Hope
didn’t think so, but Tina wasn’t giving up yet. The best thing Tina
could do was keep her mouth shut, and let Hope work her magic. Try
not to antagonize Dean until Hope had a chance to talk to him.
Telling him right now what she thought of him, like she wanted to
do, wouldn’t
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