Just Cause: Revised & Expanded Edition

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Book: Just Cause: Revised & Expanded Edition Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ian Thomas Healy
and sat down.
    She didn’t know what else to do so she took the first thing she saw—a bag of chips—and went over to him.
    Juice had appropriated a large blueberry muffin and was spreading butter on it as Sally sat down. He smiled at her. “Did you always want to be a superhero?”
    “Well, sure. I mean, my mom and grandma were, and I’m faster than both of them. What else could I do?”
    “You could have a normal life. Go to college, get a job, meet the right guy. Ever think of doing that instead?”
    “No, not really. I guess I always wanted to do this.”
    “You got very high marks in combat training at the Academy. How was training alongside the Lucky Seven?”
    “It was cool. I learned a lot from them.”
    “Before the incident with Destroyer, had you ever been in a real combat situation before?”
    Sally shook her head. She still had bad dreams about the giant blue battlesuit and her hatred of the man it contained.
    “I’ve read the reports, of course, but I’d like to hear it in your own words. Tell me about what happened in Chicago.” Juice swallowed the last of his muffin and took a sip of his coffee.
    “Destroyer took out Bullet with some kind of goopy stuff that wrapped him up. Then he used a portable electromagnetic pulse to ruin Spark’s equipment and Stratocaster’s guitar. He broke Carousel’s legs when we tried to take out his guns. He knocked out the others with a stun grenade.” She bowed her head. “I guess we didn’t give a very good accounting of ourselves.”
    “What about you?” Juice finished his coffee and set the cup back on the table.
    “He sprayed some kind of lubricant on the floor.” Sally felt her face grow hotter. “I hit it and slid across some broken glass. Tore up my costume some.”
    “Were you hurt?”
    “Not really. Just my pride.” Sally sighed. “I didn’t really accomplish much either. It’s hard discovering that you’re ineffective in a real battle after spending so many years in practice.”
    Juice smiled. “Listen, Sally, Destroyer has taken down heroes far more experienced than you. You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. Quite the contrary, you should be proud you even faced him at all.”
    Sally couldn’t look at him. “Even though I didn’t do anything right?” She couldn’t believe herself. Worst. Interview. Ever.
    “You survived your first real parahuman combat with nothing worse than a wounded pride. That is a lot better than how most heroes fare. They can teach you all the great theories and situational tactics they want at the Academy, but when you get right down to it, real life has very little to do with the classroom. Believe me, any fight you can run, walk, limp, or crawl away from is one in which you did well.”
    Sally felt her admiration grow for him. As a lawyer, he’d learned to use language to great effect, and his words soothed her discomfort like aloe on a sunburn.
    “How are the others in the Lucky Seven?”
    “They’re okay. Mostly they were just stunned—minor bumps and bruises, that sort of thing. Carousel’s back on light duty. Her systems self-repair so long as she has access to power and raw materials.”
    “Good. Now then…” He leaned back. “Sondra was absolutely right. We do need a speedster. Think you’re up to the task?”
    Words jammed up Sally’s mouth so she could only nod in stunned silence. She’d known for years Just Cause was her destiny, but it surprised her to have the opportunity in front of her all the same.
    Juice grinned back at her and pulled a phone from his pocket. He thumbed a switch on it. “Harris?” A voice responded in acknowledgement. “We’ve got a new intern. Can you please prepare her quarters and arrange for her paperwork and badge?”
    “ Yes, sir .” 
    Juice switched channels and spoke again. “Jason?”
    “Yeah?” said a different voice from the phone.
    “I’ve got a young lady here who is in need of a tour. I think you’re just the man to handle
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