Jonah and the Last Great Dragon

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Book: Jonah and the Last Great Dragon Read Online Free PDF
Author: M E. Holley
uncoordinated with fear. As they reached Gilfach farmlands, Erin pulled on Jonah’s hand.
    â€˜There’s a gate here,’ she whispered. ‘We’ll be able to see across to the woods.’
    They edged towards the gap in the hedge, to peer across the meadow. The fields looked peaceful and lovely, bathed in the evening sunlight. But as Jonah turned to go, the weird howl rang out again. They both jumped with shock as several huge, grey shapes sped from the woods and came racing down the sloping field straight towards them. Erin screamed and Jonah grabbed her hand.
    â€˜Run!’ he yelled, pulling her along..
    They sprinted along the lane, terror driving them on. Their hearts were thumping painfully. It was hard work for Erin to keep pace with Jonah’s long legs but neither of them dared slow down. Soon they heard scampering sounds from the other side of the hedge and realised in panic that the wolves were gaining on them. Jonah tried to pull Erin along faster. He remembered that there was another farm gate a few yards further along the lane. He was desperate to get past, before the wolves could jump over it. Jonah felt Erin’s hand tighten on his own. Her eyes were fixed on the hedge ahead of them. She had remembered the second gate, too.
    With a tremendous effort, the children forced their legs to keep going. Their sides ached and they were gasping for breath. Suddenly there was a scrabbling noise and a big grey wolf leaped into the lane ahead of them. Involuntarily, the children yelled with fear. They clutched each other and backed away. Two more wolves slithered over the gate. With their great heads low to the ground and rumbling deep in their throats, they crept menacingly towards Jonah and Erin. Their muzzles were drawn back in a snarl, tongues lolling across their fangs, and their terrible eyes shone yellow.
    As he backed away, Jonah put Erin behind him but suddenly she shrieked. As they both stumbled against the hedge, Jonah saw that another wolf, even larger than the others, had jumped into the lane from the hillside opposite and was standing in the road behind them. Three more wolves had come over the gate ahead. Jonah looked round wildly but there was nowhere for the children to run to. The wolves were penning them in. The children clutched each other as the animals, growling, edged nearer.
    Jonah waved his arms and shouted. ‘Get back! Get away!’
    His voice sounded feeble and shaky, but he kept shouting. For a moment, the wolves held off but soon realised that Jonah was no threat to them. They started to move in.
    The children yelled as the wolves slunk closer. Suddenly two of the brutes rushed at them. Erin leaped sideways, screaming, and the huge creatures pounced between her and Jonah. Now the other wolves moved into the gap between the children and drove Erin a few yards along the lane. The great alpha male was poised on stiffened legs, glaring at Jonah. He swallowed hard and stared back at it, trying to look defiant. He daren’t move even a step towards Erin, in case he made the animals attack. Without turning his head, he risked a sideways glance. She was whimpering with terror as she backed into the thorny hedge. Her arms were bleeding and her dark curly hair was caught on the twigs. But the wolves didn’t move in. They stood, motionless, in a silent ring, daring her to run.
    The pack leader crouched down and looked up at Jonah sideways. It curled back its upper lip as it fixed its eyes on him. He knew quite certainly that this was the animal he had seen that morning. It’s been stalking me! he thought. This is what was behind the bushes. With its gaze still locked on Jonah, the wolf crept forward an inch or two. It stopped with a front paw raised just above the ground. Jonah could hardly breathe. Standing absolutely still, the boy and the wolf stared at each other.
    Then, without warning, the monster exploded into movement, lunging at him. It crashed down on
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