Johnson Family 1: Unforgettable
direction, her body tingled. His eyes drifted over her royal blue dress and the gold poodle brooch over her right breast. She was certain she looked good, but something about Lucas always made her second guess herself.
    “What are you doing here?” she asked, trying to quell the ridiculous excitement bubbling up inside of her.
    “I hope I’m not being presumptuous, but I thought maybe I could take you to lunch?”
    He wanted to take her out? She stared at him blankly and then rapidly recovered. “I have lunch plans.”
    “Oh.” He looked disappointed but not defeated. “Do you have a few minutes before lunch then, so we can talk?”
    She considered the request. What could Lucas possibly want? She took a deep, quiet inhale. “I only have about five minutes.”
    “Not a problem. I won’t even take that much of your time.” He continued to smile, and with his Southern accent, he was downright charming. She could feel herself coming apart at the seams already.
    She didn’t smile back but said, “Follow me,” and walked ahead of him down the corridor.
    In her suite of offices, Cynthia looked up briefly from her computer. Uncertain acknowledgment appeared in her friend’s eyes, but instead of staring, she politely lowered her gaze and continued typing. If she remembered who he was, Ivy knew she’d grill her later about his appearance.
    They entered her office and she immediately sought refuge at her desk, standing beside it to help prop her up because even such a short time in Lucas’s presence left her weak-kneed.
    As he looked around, Ivy took the opportunity to observe him. Her mind immediately strayed in an inappropriate direction, imagining him naked, all brown skin and muscles under the dress shirt and pressed slacks. She imagined him over her and recalled the way he would force her to say things when they made love. It wasn’t enough to control her body.
    “You love this shit, don’t you?” he breathed.
    “Say it, darlin’. Let me hear you say it.”
    “I love this shit.”
    He plucked a nipple between his lips and sucked as if it was his last chance to get her off.
    “Your secretary looks vaguely familiar to me,” Lucas said.
    Ivy blinked and remembered where she was. In her office, with Lucas, with hard nipples. Thank goodness for bras with padding. She crossed one ankle over the other to silence the throbbing between her legs.
    “That’s Cynthia. She was still living in Atlanta when we met nine years ago.”
    “Ah yes, now I remember.”
    She needed to keep her hands busy, so she picked up the limited edition Mont Blanc pen she’d used to sign documents earlier. “So…I’m surprised to see you here.”
    “Yeah.” He rubbed his hand across his bristled jaw, which made her wonder what those bristles would feel like if she touched them herself. Were they soft, hard, somewhere in between? “I couldn’t leave without coming by and saying hello. We didn’t get a chance to speak last night because you were so busy.”
    “I’m busy today, too.”
    “I’m sure you are.” He either didn’t take the hint or didn’t care. He turned in a half circle, his eyes sweeping the room. “It’s strange seeing you in these surroundings, looking like an executive, so different from when I last saw you.”
    “I was twenty-two years old then. I was different. We both were.”
    “And I didn’t know who you were at first,” he said thoughtfully. “I never understood why you didn’t tell me right away.”
    “For the same reason I kept it a secret from everyone. People behave differently when they find out you have money.”
    “Did I act like I cared?”
    “No, you didn’t.” Which had been a pleasant surprise, making her love him even more. She glanced at his hand. “You never married?”
    “No. Marriage isn’t in the cards for me. You know that.”
    She hadn’t forgotten. He’d broken her heart when he’d told her the truth about their relationship. “This
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