Johnson Family 1: Unforgettable
that man.”
    Cynthia and Rick were lucky to have each other, and their relationship had withstood the test of long periods apart. It only seemed to strengthen their bond when they were back together.
    “You have one urgent email,” Cynthia said, getting back to business. “I’ve already drafted a response and flagged it for you.”
    As the Chief Operations Officer of the JBC Restaurant Group, Ivy was in charge of both chains of restaurants—The Brew Pub and Ivy’s. Because she always rode to school with her daughter in the mornings, she arrived a little later than normal. Cynthia reviewed her emails first thing and flagged any that needed her immediate attention.
    “One urgent email? You mean I’ll actually get some work done today?” She scooted the chair closer to the desk.
    “Looks like it.” Cynthia headed toward the door. “Today’s your lunch with Katie, right?”
    “Yes, so when she gets here just bring her in.”
    “Will do. It’ll be nice to see the little munchkin.” Katie had won over the hearts of much of the staff.
    Ivy set to work, tackling the email first before turning her attention to contracts that needed to be signed and revenue reports that had to be reviewed. By lunchtime, she’d crossed a number of items off her to-do list, a minor feat in itself, considering all the calls she’d also fielded. Her goal, however, was to be finished with the major tasks of the day so she could concentrate on her daughter when she arrived for lunch.  
    In the coffee shop across the street from Johnson Enterprises, Lucas sipped a cappuccino. The steel and glass structure loomed overhead, and waves of people traveled in and out constantly.
    He had a good view from his post at the bar in front of the window where pedestrians walked past. Some dressed in professional business attire, while others were of the hipster crowd with their shag haircuts and bargain thrift store clothes. He’d lost track of time while sitting there, but he’d been in the same spot for a long time, reading the paper and checking emails on his smartphone, all while debating his next move.
    The Johnsons employed tens of thousands of people across the United States and around the world. Cyrus Johnson Senior had built the company from his trademark lager. One craft beer product had turned into an enterprise boasting over 30 beers, seasonal blends, and limited edition releases.
    The Brew Pub served as the testing ground for new beer flavors before they hit the market at large. Ivy’s was their high-end establishment, named for Cyrus Senior’s only daughter. They only offered select beers from the product line there, along with old Scotch and fine wines.
    He hadn’t known all this when he first met Ivy. She’d kept her family background a secret. Over the years he’d analyzed and re-analyzed their relationship, and seeing her last night had him thinking even more about the past. She didn’t seem upset about the way their relationship had ended and had been friendly enough.
    “What the hell,” he murmured to himself. He’d invite her to lunch and see what she said. He had nothing to lose, and since she’d been so cordial last night, maybe some of that friendliness would extend into today.
    He dropped a ten on the table, left the café, and strode across the street.

Chapter Five
    Once per week, Johnson Enterprises stocked the executive lounge with snacks, juices, and fruit. Ivy passed over those options and chose a bottled water. On the way back to her office, she had to walk through the main reception area, and when she did, her heart almost stopped.
    Lucas was standing there, living up to his nickname and looking as luscious as ever. Tailored black slacks hinted at the strength of his powerful thighs, and the light blue shirt did nothing to hide his massive chest and the bulge of his muscular arms.
    She smoothed a trembling hand over her outfit in an effort to maintain her composure. When he turned his head in her
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