Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Read Online Free PDF

Book: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leo Mark
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Jesus, Novel, extraterrestrial
sell. But it´ll be hard for a country to go to war with the greatest world power, only if they´re crazy.’
    ‘But don´t you think the plan is very risky?’
    ‘Mr. Governor, we have everything planned. It can´t go wrong.’
    ‘Son, look on the bright side. We´ll be toppling a dictator and bringing peace to a country controlled by terrorists, which is Afghanistan´s case. When the American citizens realize that they´ve been attacked in their own homes, they´ll be the first to demand a war against terror.’
    ‘OK, I agree. We shall be sacrificing a few for the security of the many, and our nation will become even stronger. But I can´t close all the armaments contracts with Shield, people will suspect something.’
    ‘Of course you can´t. Let´s say you give Shield 80% of the contracts, and the rest to the others,’ replied Benjamin, with a big smile.
    ‘Very good, son, a wise decision,’ said the senior Bush, putting his hand on his son´s shoulder.
    ‘The attack is planned for 11th September 2001. When you take office, give the CIA orders to wind down the investigations into Al Qaeda in US territory, and tell them to concentrate on other terrorists,’ said Frederick who had not spoken before.
    Frederick Cullen was Benjamin´s right-hand man, apart from being a great military strategist and responsible for the Illuminati´s dirty work.
    ‘You will receive encrypted instructions via this e-mail. Here is the address and the password for you to access it once a month. When you do so, read the message and delete it immediately,’ said Frederick, handing the governor an envelope.
    ‘Gentlemen, I think our meeting has been very productive. Thank you all for coming and I shall count on you all to do your best,’ said Benjamin, getting up. ‘And we are grateful to the royal family for giving us the chance to work together once more. I´ll expect you at my house to take tea.’
    Benjamin shook hands with their royal hosts and bowed slightly to them, an unusual enough thing as he was more accustomed to have others bow to him.
    Then they all got up and walked to the palace exit. At the bottom of the staircase white limousines were waiting to take each of them to his destination. Father and son got into the same car, as they were staying at the same hotel. The son was very nervous, never having been involved in such a vast scheme before, and feeling the weight of responsibility on
his shoulders.
    ‘Relax, son, great power requires great responsibility. You´ll quickly get used to the taste of power and see that what we are doing is for everyone´s well-being. I very much hope you´ll keep you word when you are elected. If you don´t …’
    ‘But father, what if I´m not elected? And if I am, and something goes wrong, can they put the blame on me?’
    ‘Not if you do your part. If you do everything you´ve been told they can´t blame you if something goes wrong. What I´m afraid of is that you might not fulfill your part of the deal when the terrorist attacks take place. They are very powerful, son, do whatever is in your power, our family will profit and your name will be remembered as the one who fought terrorism and banished it from America. The last president who refused to follow the Illuminati´s instructions ended up dead. You know his name: John Fitzgerald Kennedy.’

    City of Biot, France, 1980
    It was past one o´clock in the morning. More than half-a-dozen black cars were scattered around the narrow streets of the city near the little church of Saint Mary Magdalene. All the cars had smoked-glass windows, making it impossible to see who or what was inside. In the cars were men wearing smart black suits and armed to the teeth with a variety of weapons. They were there to protect a secret meeting which was going to start in a few minutes inside the church. Everyone in the city was asleep and every movement was careful and silent, so that the people living nearby shouldn´t notice their
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