Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

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Book: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leo Mark
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Jesus, Novel, extraterrestrial
order and our brothers.’
    ‘We are pleased with your loyalty,’ said Benjamin. Arnold then spoke again.
    ‘Mr. Governor, our brother Benjamin, as well as one of the most important bankers in Europe, is the major shareholder in Shield Corporation, the biggest arms manufacturer in the world, with some contracts in your country. Probably you didn´t know this. As Benjamin is also a banker we don´t like to have his name mixed up with the arms industry.’
    ‘I know Shield very well. You make the best armaments in the world,’ answered the governor.
    ‘And you know too that your family holds large blocks of shares in oil companies, as do our dear brothers of the royal family?’
    ‘Of course I know, I just don´t know what you´re trying to get at,’ replied the governor, curious to know the reason for so many questions and preparations.
    ‘Please, let’s cut straight to the chase.’ This time is was his father speaking.
    ‘Son, what we’re trying to say is that, as they are going to finance your campaign, they will need a return on their investment, which will also benefit our family enormously.’
    ‘That´s right. We are businessmen and we invest our money where we know we will get a return,’ said Benjamin, putting his teacup down on the huge table.
    ‘What we want from you, as soon as you are elected, is that you sign purchase and arms development contracts with Shield.’
    ‘Naturally I understand, I had imagined this would be the case. But where does oil come into the story?’
    ‘We have a plan that will make America buy arms on a big scale, and in return the country and also your family will have access to a lot of oil.’
    ‘And what would this plan be?’
    ‘As soon as you take over as president, you will declare war on terrorism. First you will attack Afghanistan and then Iraq. The attack on Afghanistan will simply be a pretext for attacking Iraq. In this way the USA will take control of Iraq´s petroleum and sell drilling concessions to the companies your family has shares in, which are controlled by our dear friends of the royal family here.’
    ‘I´m sorry, I didn´t quite get that. You want me to attack two countries for no good reason, and send thousands of Americans to a war to die? Based on what?’
    ‘As I said: war on terrorism. In the year you take over as president terrorists with ties to our organization will attack the USA. The targets will be the White House, the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.’
    ‘Impossible, you´re telling me that terrorists are going to attack my country? And just how do they propose to do that? Our military defense is solid; nothing can get close without we know it. And car bombs or suicide bombers can´t do enough damage to justify a war.’
    ‘We have thought of this too. The plan is to attack the targets with civilian planes. The terrorists will hijack several commercial planes, take control of them and crash them into the chosen targets. It will be a simultaneous attack, all the planes at practically the same time.’
    ‘My God, a suicide attack of this size? I don´t know what to say!’ exclaimed the governor, stammering and sweating even more.
    ‘There´s not much you´ll have to do. Just hinder some CIA investigations.’
    ‘Hinder how?’
    ‘We´ll be using some Saudi Arabian terrorists who belong to Al Qaeda, which I´m sure you know.’
    ‘I know them very well: Osama Bin Laden.’
    ‘Exactly. We are going to finance the terrorist mission. And when it happens, you will declare war on Afghanistan, with the excuse that you are hunting Bin Laden. A couple of years later you will attack Iraq, saying that it is hiding Osama Bin Laden and that the CIA has discovered that the country is making weapons of mass destruction. In this way America will be at war with Iraq.’
    ‘But what if other countries intervene on behalf of Afghanistan or Iraq?’
    ‘If that happens, better still, more countries for us to conquer and more arms for us to
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