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Book: Jaxson Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. Renee
some jeans and a t-shirt. When I finally get back to the living room, I see Tate on my phone. “Shit,” he mutters. “Okay. He’s coming out of the bathroom. I'll let him know.” Who the fuck is he talking to?
    When he hangs up the phone he looks a little pissed off, so I ask him who the fuck he was talking to. “Who were you talking to on my phone?”  
    “Lyndley. She hurt herself down by the creek. She can’t put any pressure on her leg.”  
    “Fuck.” I mutter. Walking back into the room, I grab some socks, I pull them on my feet and shove my feet into my boots, making my way back into the living room.  
    “Even after everything, you’re still going to go and save the fucking day for her?”   Tate sneers. I get he’s trying to protect me and everything, but I won’t let him say shit about her. She doesn’t deserve it. Did she do some shitty things? Yeah she did, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am still just as in love with her now as I was when we were in high school.  
    Not even answering him, I make my way to the truck and get in. Before I can even start the engine, I see Tate open the door and get in. “I’m surprised you’re even coming.” I mutter.  
    “Who knows what you might do without me there. I want to make sure you don’t go and do something stupid like marry her again.”  
    I snort at that. “You know that we are still married right? We never filed for a divorce and we never will. I’m going to get her back. I don’t care what it fucking takes. She’s mine.” He shakes his head at me and we take off towards the creek.  

    As we are walking from the truck towards the steep hill that we used to jump off of as kids, Tate decides on opening his big mouth again. “How can you help her when she didn’t even tell you that you were going to be a father?”  
    “She needs me. I won’t let her suffer down there just because she made the wrong decision years ago. Just leave it the fuck alone and let me deal with it.” I huff out before we hit the clearing.  
    When I see her, I feel like I can finally catch my breath again. She’s beautiful even covered in mud. Making my way over to her, I can’t help but run my eyes along her body. The years sure have been good to her.  
    "Lynnie,” I breathe before making my way down the embankment that she is currently stuck in. My boots lose traction and I slide a little before I get my footing again. Lyndley looks like she’s bracing herself for me to fall into her, but I wouldn’t. I would rather fall on my ass than fall onto her small body. I would probably smash her.
    “Are you okay?” I ask. My eyes go to her leg and I squat down beside her. I start to clean some of the mud off of her so that I can see her leg better and I can’t believe the fucking knot on her leg. She must have hit it pretty fucking good on something.  
    "Shit, Lynnie. You never do anything half-assed, do you?” I state jokingly. When I look back at her face, I can tell she took it the wrong way. Fuck . Grabbing her face with my forefinger and thumb, I force her to look at me. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” She quickly nods her head and looks away, not saying one word to me. Shit. All I’ve done since she’s been back is say the wrong things to her.  
    Sighing, I go to plan B, getting her out of here. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here. Wrap your arms around my neck.” When she does as I say, I pick her up. What I don’t expect is the feelings that invade my body just by her touch. When I’m standing at full height, I see a strange look on her face. “You okay, Lyn?” My voice is no more than a whisper, I can’t help but wonder if she’s thinking the same thing I am.  
    “Yeah.” she blushes.  
    Smirking at her, I know that she definitely feels the same thing I do. “Lynnie, I know you better than that. Tell me.” I start to climb back up the hill and I can tell she is still hesitant to say it, but I wait for her anyways.
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