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Book: Interphase Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kira Wilson
any service." He ambled toward the other end of the tavern.
    David lounged at the bar and listened to the patrons' muted chatter. After several minutes, a rousing cheer drew his attention. "Lady Celas! Captain Kalath!"
    Jessica beamed and raised her bow in triumph. A large man in full silvered plate mail stood at her side. He removed his helmet to reveal light brown hair crowning a rugged face and a pair of blue eyes that surveyed his surroundings intently. David suppressed a surge of jealousy.
    "The village of Springwall may once again sleep peacefully," Thomas announced. "Grimsbane the Foul has been slain, and his army of undead routed."
    The room erupted in louder cheers.
    "For three long years," Jessica continued, "Grimsbane sowed terror and strife among these lands. Now we shall finally return the sacred treasure he seized." She drew a multi-faceted crystal from her belt purse. "The Arkstone of Meissa, stolen from the altar of the Temple of Seasons."
    The crowd's roars nearly deafened David. When the noise faded and the throng of admirers dispersed, he stepped forward and bowed. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"
    Jessica laughed and tossed her braids over her shoulder. "Not at all. We are here for an important quest." She hugged David tightly. "I'm glad to see you in one piece."
    "Indeed." Thomas stepped forward and offered a hand. David shook it for politeness' sake. "Jessica told me of your peril, and of the mysterious maiden responsible for your recovery."
    "Did she?" David gave him a thin smile as he sent a private tell to Jessica. =You didn't tell him all about it, did you?=
    =David, you know me better than that,= she chided.
    There was little to discuss before Lucas arrived, so they settled at a table to wait. Jessica did most of the talking, filling David in on the recent highlights of her various quests. Thomas watched her and made an occasional comment while David listened silently.
    After several more minutes, he grew impatient. He excused himself from the table and walked outside. The rain had let up, but the only people visible were a pair of adventurers chatting near a flickering torch. A leather-clad fellow was clearly flirting with a red-haired female warrior.
    There he is.
    David smirked and approached the pair. "Planning on joining us anytime soon?"
    The rogue glared at him and fingered his daggers. "Careful, wizard. It can be unhealthy to interrupt someone's conversation."
    David chuckled. "I'm sure you can find someone else to play with." He fixed the woman with a hard look. "Well?"
    "I was just having a bit of fun," Lucas's character muttered, in a decidedly masculine voice. David doubled over with laughter, while the rogue suddenly looked stricken.
    "Wait, you… you're not…? Aww man!"
    Still laughing, David gave a mocking bow. "If you'll excuse us?" The rogue sprinted away, expressions of disgust floating back on the night wind. "I think you just traumatized that guy."
    Lucas followed David back toward the tavern. "No, you did. Everything was fine until you showed up. All I had to do was smile and occasionally nod at him."
    "Next time, don't keep us waiting." David eyed his brother, who chuckled ruefully. "Still having trouble with Nadarra's voice settings?"
    "How'd you ever guess?"
    "You know, it'd be a lot easier to just let V-Net assign a female voice to your character, rather than trying to modulate your own."
    Lucas scoffed. "Yeah, that'd be a great test of my programming skills. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll get it working myself."
    David chuckled as they stepped into the tavern.
    Soon the four of them were seated around the table. At Jessica's request, David told them about the accident, meeting Analara, and everything he could remember about her module.
    When he finished, Thomas leaned back in thought, while Lucas pelted David with questions about the Crash Storm. "Geez. Mom would totally freak out if she knew what happened," he remarked.
    "Which is exactly why you're going to keep your mouth
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