"I only visit one persistent module. What you just described could be a thousand different fantasy worlds." Jessica paused, and he could feel curiosity radiating from the other end of the line. "What makes this particular module so special?"
Oh hell. "Well…"
" David ."
I really walked into this one.
"Okay. Something happened yesterday while I was giving my demonstration."
Chapter 5
"We're meeting at the Firebird Tavern, Song of Eternity module, around eight tonight. I need your help with this, bro. Don't be late." David removed the earphone and set it down. He hoped Lucas would get the message in time. A quick glance at the clock told him he had thirty minutes until the meeting. There was time for a quick dinner; the search could take awhile.
While he ate, he thought about his earlier conversation with Jessica. She had alternated between horror at the description of the accident, relief that the V-Cop had let him off the hook, and curiosity about the identity of his rescuer. He hadn't known what to make of her thoughts toward Analara.
As he pondered, David realized he had been expecting a different reaction. Jessica's ready agreement to help him search for the mystery module was surprising. She hadn't seemed jealous at all, which saddened him. Their relationship had never become romantic, but he'd always wanted things to develop further. Now, it startled him to discover a feeling of relief hiding behind the sadness. Analara had certainly left an impression.
David finished his meal and decided his musings could wait. He headed to the alcove and sat in the link chair. The sensors imbedded in the headrest registered his thought patterns, and a soft electric current gradually relaxed his muscles. He closed his eyes, giving the mental interface full access.
When he reopened them, he was inside VERA's Network. The entry platform floated high above a metropolis of lights and energy, stretching to the virtual horizon. A cloud of blue particles coalesced in front of him and formed a glowing butler, complete with suit and monocle.
"Destination, sir?" the transitor intoned.
"Song of Eternity module," David replied. "Load avatar: Sorcerer Daveth. Equipment set: travel. Entrance point: Firebird Tavern."
"Request acknowledged." The transitor vanished with a bow, and the platform faded away. David watched the city rush by as he soared toward his digital destination.
With a shimmer, the interior of the module materialized around him. He gathered his bearings and inspected his equipment. One hand held an ebonwood staff, topped with a lion head of burnished silver, and he could feel his favorite traveling outfit underneath an enchanted robe. He raised the hood of his heavy cloak to ward off a light rain and walked toward the lit courtyard of the tavern.
A familiar presence touched David's mind. He smiled and opened a tell-channel.
=Early as usual,= Jessica whispered in his thoughts. =Thomas and I are finishing up a quest. We'll be there in a few minutes.=
=Thomas is coming too?= David asked with false cheer.
=He knows the realms even better than I do. Ah, excuse me. I'll see you soon.=
The channel closed, indicating she was likely in the middle of a battle. With nothing to do but wait, David turned toward the entrance.
"Master Daveth, good to see you this evening," a cheerful voice shouted when he stepped over the threshold. Several faces looked up at him in acknowledgement. He pushed his hood back and headed toward the source of the greeting as whispers of his past deeds drifted through the room. Though it was crowded, people opened a path to the bar where Rovert, the innkeeper, stood waiting.
"Good evening, master," Rovert said. "If you're seeking tasks for someone of your prowess, I just heard tell that Old Beven in Frostdell has had trouble—"
"Thank you, Rovert," David replied quickly, "but I'm here to meet my party. They'll be arriving shortly."
Rovert nodded. "As it please you. Let me know if I can be of