Integrity Has No Bounds
time removing his
helmet, placing it precisely in the middle of the handlebars over
the gages. He swung out of the saddle and stood, stretching his
arms out, cracked the kink out of his tensely held neck to loosen
it. He turned to face the three fuckers that would be the first to
feel his rage. One of the dumbfucks stepped up like a Billy bad
    “You need to move the scoot, or we’ll have to
move it for you, and seeing as how you are the only one of your
kind here, you need to do it fast.” The dumbass turned to his
companions and began to talk shit about the Breed. “This pansy ass
motherfucker thinks he can come onto our turf and play, we should
show him the error of his ways.”
    John tuned out what the fool was saying, he
was watching their body language to tell him when they made their
first move. He saw the one on his left center himself, and knew
that he would be the first to come at him. It was just like a
typical bar fight, the smallest man in the room always had to try
to prove himself. He never got to touch John. The flat part of
John’s palm connected with the little guy’s nose, and blood spouted
everywhere. He went backwards and his buddies rushed forward to get
their licks in.
    John was disappointed at how easy the ol’
boys went down. The mouthy fucker got a decent punch in before John
broke his arm, but the quiet one actually tried to make it
interesting. Unfortunately for him, his Rat brother decided to pull
a knife and attempt to rejoin the fight. He came up on John’s side,
and John barely had enough time to pull his opponent by his cut
around to block the blade.
    One thing he could say about those boys, they
liked to keep their blade sharp. The blade slid home just under the
leather cut, and into the man in his grasp’s side. It was a fucked
up scene to watch, and John shoved the man back into his assailant.
The mouth picked up a rock to throw at John, and got a kick to the
head for his stupidity.
    John was disgusted, not much of a fight, and
the three of them should have been able to at least make him work
for the pleasure of beating their asses’. Well they were going to
be the first examples and he pulled the man that was closest to him
to his feet and bashed his rotten front teeth into his mouth, “You
boys just keep running your mouths, I’ll be happy to show you the
wisdom of shutting the fuck up when a man is trying to deliver a
    “Now that I have your attention, the message
is for you to give to the coward piece of shit that hurt my woman.
You tell him there is no rock, swamp, or cesspool he can hide in, I
will find him.” He kicked the bleeding man in the thigh. “Do you
hear me, boy?” There was no acknowledgement to his words, so his
booted foot met the belly of the knife wielding bastard. “I asked a
simple enough question, do you understand me?” Heads bobbed. He
loosed the shirt of the man that was still only upright by the
strength of the man that kept him there, and didn’t bother watching
him crumple top the ground.
    “You boys might want to make yourselves
scarce, any of you standing between me and that candy assed fucker
will get something they don’t want to fuck with. I don’t give a
shit who I have to go through to get him. You’ve been warned, I see
you again, no mercy.”
    He walked away from the three Rats, mounted
up, taking his time to secure the helmet on his head before leaving
the lot. There hadn’t been enough satisfaction in that little
scuffle to appease his case of mad.
    Stopping at a gas-n-go to fill the tank and
take a piss took a few minutes, but he still had a half an hour
before Stevie’s place closed for the night. He wanted to be close
to see who, if anyone, was watching the evening’s routine. There
was no one in the parking lot at eleven forty-five. That wasn’t a
big deal. It was a Tuesday night and most people had to work the
next morning, or had workweek responsibilities.
    He parked his sled behind the building and
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