Infinite Devotion
“Shhh, calm yourself, I fear not your father or Cesare.”
    He gives me a sweet kiss and strides courageously out the door.
    One week later, one of my lesser maids comes running in with news. “Mistress, Mistress!”
    “What has happened?” Many fears run through my head.
    “Pantasilea! Don Michelotto came last night and took her away, and she hasn’t shown up for work this morning.”
    Perotto must have met with Father.
    “Fetch my messenger; I need to see to her whereabouts.”
    My messenger returns the next day and reads:
Dearest Sister,
I regret to inform you that your maidservant, Pantasilea, has been found but under unhappy circumstance. She and the messenger boy, Perotto, must have been having a lover’s stroll on Saint Valentine’s day and fell into the Tiber and drowned. It is sad such young love was extinguished, but now all is right with the world. Your virtue is safe, and you have nothing to fear as long as your loving brother is keeping out a watchful eye.

Your protector,
Cesare, Duke of Gandia

Chapter 7
    One month later, I give birth. I name him Giovanni Borgia, after Juan, but due to his dubious parentage, he becomes better known as the Roman Infant. Father comes immediately to collect us to the Vatican, and the baby is kept away from me and raised by wet nurses.
    I’m not allowed to love anything.
    Cesare bursts into my room. “Sister, stop moping and come with me at once.”
    “Where are you going?” I look up from my embroidery.
    “I have arranged something that will lift your spirits.” He pulls me up from my chair.
    Cesare has brought me everywhere with him since I returned. I can’t be sure if he needs my company or is keeping a watchful eye on me. He helps me walk up the spiral stone stairway to the top of the Vatican walls. Don Michelotto is standing there on the balcony, and he gives me a cold steel stare that makes me shiver.
    “My crossbow,” Cesare barks.
    Don Michelotto immediately obeys. Cesare holds up his bow and tests the tension on the bow.
    He calls out, “Release the prisoners!”
    Michelotto leans forward on the stone wall, picking his teeth. Two doors open up in the courtyard below, and a dozen haggard, starved men are herded out on the grounds.
    Cesare screams out, “Run you fools!” and he shoots one in the center of his chest. Before he falls, the other prisoners, grasping the situation, go clamoring and clawing their way back to the doors that the guards are closing. Two loud thuds tell the prisoners there’s no escape, and with Cesare’s terrifying laugh ringing out from above, the prisoners run for any cover they can find. Nevertheless, Cesare’s arrows penetrate the topiaries and hedges they cower under. Two quick prisoners run along the courtyard wall, trying to find an open door or way out. I close my eyes at the horror, and I’m truly terrified by Cesare’s inhumanity. After two guttural screams, I know he must’ve found the last prisoners, and I open my eyes to catch one falling from halfway up the wall.
    He hands the crossbow back to Don Michelotto. “I never seem to tire of this.” He turns to me. “Sister, did you enjoy my little surprise?”
    I don’t respond.
    He laughs, opening his mouth wide. “You need to stop being so sensitive.” His amber eyes are rolling. “You’re either going to be the deer or the wolf. I choose to be the wolf.”
    We walk down to breakfast with Father. I can’t think of eating after what I’ve just witnessed in the courtyard, but Cesare’s already shoving food into his bearded mouth. Father hasn’t even acknowledged my approach since he’s so deep in conversation.
    “Jews are fleeing from Spain in great numbers. They’re flooding Rome, Holy Father,” a cardinal stresses.
    “Let them come.” He shrugs as he tears off a piece of bread.
    “Let them come? We are the center of the Church, and you want it populated with Jews?”
    “I see nothing wrong with
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