an answer or time to get into it with her. And, is that a hickey on your neck? Don’t tell me you’re gonna revert to your player ways again.”
“I hardly look emaciated.” He opened the plastic cutlery packet she’d brought and dug into the delicious food. After a bite, he looked up. “Suzanne is not professional, and really, after today, I decided I’d rather have to answer the fucking phones myself, than deal with her snobbish attitude. You could always come back and work for me, sis.”
He ate while his sister snorted, unbraided her long, black hair, and stared him down. She wanted more information, and appeared determined enough to wait it out to get what she came for. The little gossip knew better, if he even mentioned liking a female for more than a quick fuck, the little traitor would run to mama and then a wedding would be planned. Ignoring her, he continued to enjoy dinner. A crinkling bag caught his attention.
“Ah-ha, thought that would get your attention. I may or may have not brought some karydopitas.
“You play dirty. You know I love those almond cakes soaked in honey.”
“Tell me what I want to know, and maybe this can be all yours. Besides, I didn’t give Lysandros any. You get all the dessert, so long as you dish. You know you want this, why make yourself suffer by watching me eat every single piece in front of you.” She wiggled the bagged dessert.
“You should show more gratitude to the big brother who’s made sure you have gotten everything you’ve ever wished for.” Playing the gratitude card normally worked in his favor. His sister opened the bag and popped a piece of the treasured dessert in her mouth. “You are so cruel to me, sis.”
“Spill it. Give me something to tell our ma so she’ll back off.”
“I see how you are. Feeding me is a form of extracting information. Fine.” He put down the fork and pushed the empty plate into his trash bin. “Suzanne had explicit orders to bring an expected guest visiting, up the elevator, and instead made my guest climb twenty-three flights of stairs.”
Dareia’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as saucers. “No way she’d flagrantly disobey a direct order from the King of Kings.”
Khristos shrugged. “She did, and now she’s jobless. Thanks for dinner.”
“We are so not done with this convo. I see shirt buttons on your floor, a hickey on your neck and a box from that chocolate shop sitting on your counter. My skills of deduction tell me you’re seeing the pretty chocolate shop owner you’ve been drooling over since you bought me my pastry shop.”
Poker face time. Khristos smirked at her so-called deductive skills. “Pretty wild imagination you have there.”
“Deflecting, are we? Now, I know for a fact you definitely like her, as in a lot. You wouldn’t fire just anyone. And…you only bought that location for my shop because it was close to her and me, I…know how you work.”
“You are too nosey, brat,” he growled, and accepted the baggie in her hand.
“Come on. You have to want more than this. We’re all proud that you’ve done so well for us, provided for us when Pa retired. We both know, if I’d asked him to finance my store, he’d have made me jump through hoops, and I’d have lost the location. You think outside the box, where he thought a pastry shop was a waste of time, you gave me a chance. You deserve more than buying and selling businesses. Don’t you want a family of your own? Kids? I know I’m not ready, but I’m only twenty-two to your thirty-five, and Lysandros is only twenty-five and a man-whore.”
“This is exactly why I don’t include you and Ma in on my dating habits. I have one nice cup of coffee with a girl and you both start talking kids and a family.”
“Coffee? Is what they call it now?” She pointed to his destroyed shirt in the trash and the buttons he’d missed on the floor. You have to tell her, you know, that we’re related. She feels threatened by me,