that much is perfectly clear.”
“Quit meddling.” He devoured the dessert and crushed the bag in his hand. Standing, he pitched it in the trash and held his hand out to her. “Let me take you home.”
“No need. I drove. I have a hot date tonight, and I really need it.” She pressed her hand on his chest to ward him off. “Today’s been insane, and there is no way in hell I’m going to give you information to scare off someone who will possibly give me the best night of my life. He’s a good guy, we’ve been seeing each other for months, this is just our first private date. You taught me how to protect myself, how to judge the character of a man. So, you don’t get to get in way of what may happen tonight.” She kissed him on the cheek and slipped out before he could grill her on who, where, and what back-up plan she had in case of emergency.
Great, now he’d worry all night about her safety. Hell, she felt more like a daughter to him than a sister, since he’d pretty much raised her as his kid. The little girl trailing after him in everything he did. His cell buzzed.
I will text you when I get home safe. I know you’ll obsess over me if I don’t. Kisses.
Good, he’d be waiting with his shotgun for her call. As he saved his work and shut off his computer, he ignored the phone ringing on his desk. When his personal cell began to ring, he realized he couldn’t ignore his ma. She’d come find him and then he’d be in deep shit, even as a grown-ass man. One thing you didn’t do was send your ma’s call to voicemail. “Hey, beautiful.” Plastering on a pleasant tone wasn’t as easy as it seemed, especially when he was stressed out.
“Suzanne is such a sweet girl, I can’t for the life of me, figure out why you’d do something so mean as to fire her. Your brother wouldn’t have done that, ya know.”
He’d be too busy trying to fuck her again, and then when he tired of her high-maintenance ass, and her sleeping-up-the-ladder ways, he’d dump her on her pampered ass.
“Ma, she wasn’t a good fit for me, okay? I plan on hiring through a top-notch agency.”
“You two could’ve had something beautiful, she comes from a good family, is gorgeous, we’ve known her family for for years, and I dreamed of being a grandmother by now.” His mom sighed in dejection over the phone.
Khristos gritted his teeth and fought off the throb beginning to take up permanent residence in his brain. “I’m sorry for your loss, Ma. I’m sure those imagined grandkids already have names and plans in that overactive head of yours.”
“Such a smart aleck boy. Don’t patronize me, I will still beat your butt with a spoon.”
“Duly noted, Ma. Is there anything else? I’m trying to leave my building now. Don’t want to talk and drive at the same time.”
“We’re having brunch Sunday with your sister, her date, and Suzanne’s parents. I’d hoped you and Suzie could make up and give me my dream. As the oldest, I wish you’d be ready to find a good woman and give me grandbabies before I die.”
“Ma, you’re not departing this world anytime soon.” He wanted to say, Not in this life, or the afterlife. Please stop meddling in my love life. “I promise you one day you’ll have your grandchildren, but that day is not today, tomorrow, or even in the next six months. I’d love to do brunch, but you’ll have to cancel on Suzanne and her parents. I have no desire to sit at a table with that manipulative woman, her equally manipulative mother, and her uptight father.”
“Hmm, I’ll consider canceling on them. Gotta go, another call coming in for me. Kisses.” His mother disconnected before he could reply. The pile of documents on his computer sat ready to be leafed through, signed, marked up with changes or completely rejected. Three women in his life, his mother, sister, and the woman he wanted, no burned, to make his. All three drove him bat-shit crazy.
Twice, he picked up the flirty business