their friendship.
Once upon a time, in college, the two had tried each other out. They went full-tilt for a week, and it was all sunshine and bliss and long hug-filled walks and an almost fanatical amount of tongue service on the other.
Sophia wanted to keep going, but Elle’s heavily religious upbringing demanded that they stop. And then later, when Elle recalibrated her religiousness and recanted and decided she wanted to be with Sophia after all, Sophia was just starting things with Todd and didn’t want to ruin the budding relationship she had with him.
Elle's upbringing had been a source of constant conflict for the poor dear. Blond and bubbly as she was, she was practically the all-American girl. And when she got her position with her dance company at such a young age, not even twenty, her family couldn't have been prouder.
But then, Elle had decided that honesty was the absolute best policy with her folks, and opened to them about how she was rather bisexual—maybe something like a sixty-forty split between her preference of men and women, respectively.
Her parents freaked out, and now they and Elle only really spoke on holidays. Elle never stayed over at their place in the country, and they never came to visit.
In the meantime, Elle had grown closer and closer to Sophia—which suited Sophia just fine. Sophia was distant from her own mother, and her father had never been a part of the equation to begin with.
Elle and Sophia had, over several glasses of wine, made the mistake of trying to make it work with each other once more. That was quite recent—the weekend after Todd left Sophia, as a matter of fact. Weeks ago. Sophia was completely broken up, and Elle, wonderful, sweet Elle had been there to comfort her.
Their lips on each other’s lips, their legs sliding over each other’s.
It had been hot.
And it had been, they both decided, a bad idea. At the time, Sophia had thought that's all it was—a sweet night to forget the pain. But Elle let it slip that she had heavy, romantic notions still about Sophia which just weren't going away on their own. They each felt nothing but guilty the next day, binging on fast food and crying to each other over the phone. Thankfully, their friendship was strong enough to deal with it.
“Ugh, sorry,” said Elle. “That was my bad, bringing that up. I’m totally cool with, you know. Everything.”
“Me too!” said Sophia. “I don’t know. I’m not like that, where I can just sleep with someone new. I can’t do it like you.”
Elle mocked being offended. “Well don’t look at me like I’m some slut.”
“No, Elle. Come on. You know I don’t think that about you. It’s just...” she sighed. “What I want is hard to find anyway. If I just wanted a cock, I’d wait for Todd to get home, probably.”
Oh god, that was a bit too open. Sophia loved Elle, but she wasn’t sure she trusted her with that information.
Elle leaned forward, her eyes widening. “Oh yeah? Sophia has some special needs? Do tell.”
“Come on. No.”
There were people buzzing around the diner. Sophia already felt too exposed.
“I like being spanked. I’ve told you that.”
Sophia did her best not to roll her eyes, as much as she wanted. “You won’t stop telling me that.”
“Well, I really like it, dammit. So what’s your deal?”
Fine. It had been long enough with only Sophia knowing. Someone else had to know, for Sophia’s sake, if only to spread the burden of the knowledge around.
“I want to be...” she took a breath. “I want to be dominated. Like, really dominated by a man. Like, totally.”
“Oh wow...”
“God,” Sophia put her face in her hands. “You think I’m a weirdo. You think I’m just the worst.”
“No, no! It’s nothing like that. That’s totally cool. I mean, it’s not my thing, strictly speaking, but that’s cool. Everybody’s got a thing. I like being spanked.”
“I know .”
They both laughed.
“Wow. Domination, huh?