I'm All Yours
“I’ll take these with me.”
    Shit, that sounded sick , and borderline creepy.
    “So I know the size and brand when I buy you a new pair,” he added.
    He smiled thinking how he’d somehow known that Evie Winters favored red undies.
    The doors opened , and a handful of people stood outside waiting. Kyle quickly grabbed his dark glasses from his pocket and put them on, hoping he wouldn’t be recognized. Evie turned toward him, smiled, got out and walked away without saying a single word. He noticed a business card on the floor and guessed she must have dropped it when she’d pulled out the baggie for him. He leaned over to pick it up .
    Perfect Pairing : M atchmaking service like no other. Sadie Sutton , CEO.
    H e slapped it repeatedly agains t his palm while stepping out of the elevato r. He glanced at the card again. The company’s address was in this very building. He’d hazard a gue ss that’s where Evie had been this afternoon . He doubted she’d been there to inte rview someone. In fact, he had a feeling she’d been there to sign up for its services.
    Kyle looked at the card again. He had an idea and hoped that Ms. Sutton would cooperate.

Chapter Five
    Sadie jumped when she noticed N adine standing in the doorway. In fact, she was l eaning against the jamb and breathing so hard that a strange wheezing sound escaped from her lips . She hadn’t expected her back from the conference , let alone her st o p ping by Perfect Pairing ’s Los Angeles office . Sadie eyed the pitcher of lemon ade. If Nadine found out about it she’d know that Sa die had broken one of the strictest rules .
    “The elevator was out,” she said steppin g into Sadie’s office and slumping down on the chair in front of her desk. Nadine held her chest, still breathing heavily . “I decided I wouldn’t wait , so I took the stairs. I could have handle d them when I was one hundred , but once you get to two hundred and fifty you’re no longer in your prime.” She coughed and wheezed again.
    Sadie swallowed a few times. Oops, my fault the elevator got stuck , too.
    Nadine glanced over at the cabinet by the window. Oh no.
    “I could use s ome of that lemonade,” said Nadine standing.
    Sadie stood, hopin g to get to it before Nadine , but she wasn’t fast enoug h. Nadine poured herself some and then downed the whole glass.
    Her eyes grew wide r with each swallow that she took . “Sadie Sutton, what have you been up to ? This is laced with Potion 67.”
    “Now how did that get in there?” asked Sadie.
    “Who m did you prepare this for?” asked Nadine lifting up the glass. “I hope it wasn’t a mortal?”
    Sadie pretended she hadn’t h ear d Nadine’s question and instead rushe d back to her desk, pretending to look through her notes.
    “Sadie. Do I have to report back to the Council that you’ ve reverted to your bad ways again?”
    Sadie shook her head. If she did they’d most likely take Perfect Pairing away from her , and it’s the last thing she wanted. Playing matchmaker this way was so much fun.
    “Remember the couple I was telling you about ? T he pair that hate s one another?” asked Sadie.
    “You can’t go around slipping potions into their drinks thinking the y’ll suddenly like one another if that’s what this is about,” said Nadine.
    “They’re a perfect pair . I know it , but they just needed a slight push , so I made him…”
    “Him what?” asked Nadine.
    “I just gave a little…” Sadie brushing her hands through the air.
    “W hat’s a little?” asked Nadine, mimicking Sadie’s finger movements.
    “Temporary erectile dysfunction.”
    “Sadie, it’s forbidden for a witch of your rank to m ess around with things of that nature . It’s also ag ainst the rules to use potion 67 without the proper permit , and never, ever on mortals. Do you know what this can do to them?”
    She knew exactly , so she didn’t need Nadine reminding her how far she’d bent the rules for this
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