in my desk.”
“Good girl! You never told me how your date…er, your first dinner with Chaz went. Mark is watching game footage so I have plenty of time.”
Megan put her feet up on the coffee table. “Nothing to tell. I closed the business deal, that’s all.”
“Yeah, right, dinner with Chaz Duncan is nothing. Whenever you’ve clammed up about a guy before, I always knew it was because you liked him…a lot. So give.”
“There’s nothing to tell. Just dinner, business talk, and then he dropped me home.”
“Honestly…” Megan sipped her wine.
“Not even a kiss goodnight?”
There was silence. Megan chewed her lip.
“I thought so. Come on…it’s me, Penny, here.” She sounded pleased with herself.
“Okay, okay, one kiss. When he said we had the business…” She tucked her feet under her on the sofa.
“One kiss?” After getting one bite, Penny kept fishing.
“Maybe…two. Two…that’s all.” She stretched out on the sofa.
“Hmm. Two kisses? More than ‘thank you’ going on there.” Penny dissolved into giggles on the other end of the phone.
“Oh and a screen kiss. But that doesn’t count because it’s not like a kiss at all.”
“Really? Does it involve touching lips? Then it’s a kiss and it counts. Three. We’re up to three and counting.”
“That’s absolutely everything.”
Megan couldn’t keep a giggle from her throat.
“Have fun tomorrow and…live it up a little, Meg.”
“Goodnight, Penny.” Meg sat up.
Conversation with Penny revived Megan. No longer sleepy, she brought her wine glass to the piano and pulled out the Carousel music book. Perching the glass in a safe place, she sat down to play. Her fingers kept coming back to the song “If I Loved You.” Since the apartment was empty, Megan stuffed away her shyness to raise her voice in song.
As she paused to change music, the faint chiming of the small antique clock in the den drifted into the living room, telling her it was eleven o’clock. Megan yawned. Within half an hour, she was in bed, sleeping peacefully.
* * * *
Wednesday morning, Megan was tired but the excitement of the day pumped adrenaline through her body. She awoke with a song in her heart and couldn’t stop singing “If I Loved You”—even in the shower.
She walked to work, bouncing with enthusiasm. Researching potential new clients and meeting with the bosses to create a strategy to hook more celebrities made the day pass quickly. Meg found it hard to focus, words on the page blended together to form Chaz Duncan’s profile. Around noon, she got a text.
Brazilian food okay? See you at five. Chaz.
Brazilian food was hearty but romantic. Yum, a Caipirinha . She texted back—
Great! We can toast with Caipirinhas. See you then.
Megan had chosen the emerald green suit because it would bring out the green in her eyes. Underneath her jacket, she wore a white piqué vest dipping to a V, no blouse. A chunky gold necklace, plus matching earrings, finished the look.
“Wow!” Andy’s eyebrows rose when he spied her coming down the hall.
She grinned at him.
“You look…incredible.”
“Thank you, Andy. Is the plan printed out yet? I want to look it over one more time.”
“I’ll have it on your desk in five.” He returned to his computer.
Megan popped the top off her Starbucks coffee and turned on her computer. As soon as Andy dropped the plan on her desk, she reviewed every recommendation once more, checking the new bid prices and double-checking for typos and arithmetic errors.
Finally satisfied it was perfect, she tilted back in her chair and a little thrill of accomplishment shot up her spine.
Wait till Chaz sees this! Loving this job.
Harvey poked his head into Megan’s office. “Would it be okay if Chaz signed a few autographs for the staff? We have several staff members palpitating to meet him.”
“I doubt he’d mind. He’s coming today at five.”
“Fine. We’ll