I Am Phantom

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Book: I Am Phantom Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean Fletcher
swore there were ten different libraries. I did manage to find the Lab on
the outside of campus again. Up close it didn’t look like anything too elite, but
if they had only let in six kids this semester then they meant business.
that’s where the person who sent me my note was. A Lab sounded like a good
place to uncover the truth about renegade super human abilities.
the time I was done trying to orient myself I realized it was almost time for
my first class, Political science. Why I needed political science for a
Psychology degree was anybody’s guess, but nevertheless I hurried to get
un-lost, find the building and room and slide into a class of thirty something
kids at exactly eight. I was pretty sure it was the right class. All the kids
looked half dead and some had gone back to sleep, their heads on their
backpacks. I didn’t know if that was because of the class being early or if
this was how education in America looked.
professor walked in, decided the brain-dead mass in front of him was his
students, and started handing out a thing called a ‘syllabus’. I threw it into
my backpack and tried to pay attention.
admit, after the first ten minutes I began to grow disheartened. I knew the
whole point of me coming to a university was to learn more, but this guy was
making it difficult. His voice was so hypnotically boring I thought I was going
to pass out if he kept talking. Back home, with my parents teaching me, it was
way more interesting. Maybe because of the things I was learning or the fact
that it was my parents and I felt obligated to listen. Or maybe it was my dad
smacking me upside the head every time I tried to close my eyes.
almost wished my dad was here to smack this guy upside the head.
    “ Hey!”
      What little part of my brain was still
conscious roused a bit.
    “ Hey! Drake!”
looked to my right. Cody John Brown sat three seats down from me. He grinned
and mouthed ‘ how boring is this? ’. I
glanced at the teacher to make sure he was distracted by his fascinating
syllabus and scooted down to sit next to him.
see you’re also stuck with the ever enlightening Mr. Bachman,” Cody said once
I’d settled in. “I heard not to take him but he was the only one open and I need
this class.” He finished a doodle on his syllabus. “Hey, meet my roommate.” He
leaned back and I almost laughed aloud.
Drake,” Matt Warner grumbled. He scrunched his chin lower up against his
roommates?” I said.
Cody said. “Since we’re both in the science program and all that.” He stiffened
as Mr. Bachman looked our way. “Tell you later.”
Cody, and yeah, even Matt—the kid was okay once you learned to ignore his
complete lack of social skills—the class went by quick and we were
finally released.
find any clubs you may want to get involved in?” Cody asked as desks slammed
and people grabbed their things and made for their next class.
haven’t really had time to look.”
hefted his backpack over his shoulder and we walked down some stairs and
outside. “What do you usually do for fun?”
do a lot of Kung Fu.”
eyes grew wide. “No way! I’ve never met anybody that does that. You any good?”
                “I’m okay.”
scoffed. “That’s just modesty. I’ll bet you’re amazing. Tell you what, I saw a
flyer for a gym just off campus. It said they teach a whole bunch of martial
arts. I think the first class is tonight. I’m not gonna do it but you want to
try that?”
would be lying if I had said I wasn’t a little interested in fighting again. I
had actually enjoyed my ‘fight’ with Sonam. I was sure I could control my
abilities enough to not draw any suspicion. The last thing I needed was people
here to think I was a freak.
snapped his fingers. “Awesome! Sometime tonight. Matt, you’re coming with
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